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“Pop” in to Find Out What’s New in Kindergarten

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1 “Pop” in to Find Out What’s New in Kindergarten

2 NC K-3 Formative Assessment Process: Kindergarten
This year in kindergarten ALL schools in North Carolina will begin to implement the NC K-3 Formative Assessment Process. The purpose of this assessment is to improve student learning and teacher instruction. This formative assessment process begins on the first day of school as teachers observe, ask questions, review work samples, talk to families and learn about what students know and are able to do. This occurs daily throughout the year as teachers and students work together to move learning forward.

3 What is “Formative Assessment”?
FEEDBACK As we begin to discuss the NC Formative Assessment Process, think of this as a process- not a test. The teacher is looking at different ways for the child to demonstrate knowledge. So when you hear the word “assessment” tonight substitute the word “feedback” for the word “assessment”. The point of assessment in education is to really look at what students are learning, not to determine if they have learned basic facts. No one has ever mastered a complicated idea or skill the first -- or fifth -- time. To reach any genuine standard, we need lots of trials, errors, and adjustments based on feedback.

4 Whole Child The most exciting part of the assessment is that it focuses on the whole child – their interests, personalities, academic abilities, learning styles, emotions, health, and language/communication. This assessment will assist kindergarten teachers with strategies to find the most meaningful and manageable way to gain a more complete picture of their students. This assessment provides teachers with the resources and a process to gather information in a natural way. The data collected will assist teachers to inform daily instructional practices and help meet the needs of every child.

5 What will this look like in a child’s classroom?
Evidence of student learning can be captured through… Observations work samples Questioning Information that is collected through other requirements by the school or state I’m sure you are wondering how your kindergarten student will be assessed. This process is intended to happen naturally in the classroom as children are working and learning. The NC KEA is intended for teachers to observe students working, take notes about what they observe, question students about their thinking, and review student’s work samples to learn what children know and what they need to learn next. For example, imagine a group of children finishing up a classroom discussion while gathered together in the class meeting area. When the group discussion ends, the teacher tells the students to get their lunch box and line up at the door for lunch. During this simple transition, the teacher is able to observe students following 2-step directions and make a note of important observations.

6 How will the evidence of learning be captured?
Written notes Audio notes Video Pictures Educators can’t possibly document, analyze, evaluate and communicate every bit of learning for every child. So the question, “Is this important or meaningful learning for this child?”- will help guide these decisions. Meaningful or important learning can be captured by what a child makes, does, says, or writes. For example: a child sharing an opinion or a thought could be noted when s/he answers a question in a small group discussion about a story; a child’s demonstration of a skill, such as counting a collection of objects accurately, could be observed during a math lesson or counting the snack items on his/her plate; a child demonstrating evidence of dispositions or attitudes that promote ongoing learning, could occur as the child perseveres when engaged in hands-on science activities.

7 Families are Valuable Academic Interests outside of school
Personal interests outside of school – sports, arts, friendships Approaches to learning Emotional Characteristics Our school realizes families are a valuable source of information about our students- and we want to learn from you! We look forward to future conversations with you about your child.

8 . We are better together! By working together, we can provide the best education for your child.

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