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A Totally Organic Experience

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1 A Totally Organic Experience
Celebrities Taking AP Water, Water, Water! Quick Chemistry Review Cell Processes Bonds, Chemical Bonds Insane in the Membrane 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000



4 These organic compounds contain the instructions to make proteins
Nucleic acids Back

5 These are the organic compounds you will find in the membrane of a cell
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins Back

6 These are the type of lipids that assist with cell membranes
phospholipids Back

7 This is the process where water is lost in order to form polymers of organic compounds, while this is the process where water cuts up polymers to make them smaller Dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis Back

8 Examples of these organic compounds include chitin and starch
polysaccharides Back

9 Water contains these types of bonds
Polar covalent, hydrogen Back

10 Water contains this property, which allows it to reduce the amount of fluctuation within its temperature High specific heat Back

11 Water is also difficult to undergo a phase change due to this property
Heat of vaporization Back

12 Water contains this property, which makes it more difficult to break than other liquids
Surface tension Back

13 This is water’s ability to stick to other water molecules, while this is water’s ability to stick to other surfaces Cohesion, adhesion Back

14 Same structure, different arrangement
isomers Back

15 Negatively charged ions, positively charged ions
Anions, cations Back

16 Bonds connecting one water molecule to another
Hydrogen bonds Back

17 Atoms on the right side of the periodic table contain more of this than the atoms on the left
electronegativity Back

18 Bonds where electrons are shared, bonds where electrons are “stolen”
Covalent, ionic Back

19 Membranes contain tails that are this and also contain heads that are this
Hydrophobic tails, hydrophilic heads Back

20 This lipid helps animal cell membranes to stay more fluid during colder weather
cholesterol Back

21 When these fatty acid chains are present, then you will see a more fluid membrane, but if these fatty acid chains are present, then you will see a more viscous membrane Unsaturated, saturated Back

22 Lipids are transformed into glycolipids thanks to this organelle
Golgi Back

23 These are sent to the membrane in order to add more surface area by fusing to the outside of the membrane Transport vesicles Back

24 This is the process of water diffusing through the cell
osmosis Back

25 This is the process carried out by proton pumps and sodium-potassium pumps
Active transport Back

26 This is the description for a plant cell placed within an isotonic solution
flaccid Back

27 If your cells are inside of a hypotonic solution, they will do this, but if a plant cell is in a hypotonic solution, they will do this Expand (and lyse), be turgid Back

28 This is the process of passive transport that involves a protein
Facilitated diffusion Back

29 This is the type of bond that occurs between amino acids in primary production
Peptide bonds Back

30 This is the type of bond that holds together monomers of glucose within starch and cellulose, as long as they’re shaken, not stirred Glycosidic linkage Back

31 These 2 organelles assist with bonding lipid and proteins with carbohydrates for membrane production
ER, Golgi Back

32 This is the type of bond that connects glycerol to fatty acids in lipids
Ester linkage Back

33 This is the type of bond that provides protein with its three dimensional structure
Disulfide bond Back

34 Whenever I get hyper, I can’t stay inside, I’ve got to go out to look for squirrels. A solution is hyptertonic if it has more of this on the outside than is present on the inside of the cell. Squirrel!! solute Back

35 These kinds of organic compounds are bad for you, but I will keep on eating them so that I can win challenges, T-shirts, and cheers from the crowds! Saturated fats, trans fats Back

36 If you were to just dance, or to call Alejandro while fleeing the paparazzi all while making a poker face and singing a-la-la-da-da you would need ATP. ATP is also used by this compound to carry out this process in your membranes active transport Back

37 Elmo no like the cold because Elmo no like to wear any clothes
Elmo no like the cold because Elmo no like to wear any clothes! Ha, ha, ha! Elmo do like sharing and Elmo also like to be tickled!! Hydrogen bonds are _____ as it gets colder and they are ______ as it gets warmer Formed, broken Back

38 One time when I was hanging out with my friends Baby, Mary (who taught me how to love:), and Dr. Carter, we saw a lady officer eating a lollipop. She told me that I had so much ice, that I should skate. This is the temperature at which water begins to be less dense in preparation for the formation of ice 4oC Back

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