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Age of Exploration & Discovery

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1 Age of Exploration & Discovery
I. Exploration and Discovery 1. Italy controlled Mediterranean 2. Countries on Atlantic Search for new sea routes a. Holland b. Britain c. Portugal d. Spain e. France

2 3. Portugal a. Prince Henry The Navigator (15th Century)
b. Bartolomeu Dias -Cape of Good Hope 1488 c. Vasco Da Gama -Around Africa to India

3 3. Spain a. Christopher Columbus -”travel west to India…”
-ran into “discovered” America b. Ferdinand Magellan -1st crew to travel around the world

4 4. England 5. France a. Henry Hudson (1609) -North America
-New York (Hudson River) 5. France a. Jacques Cartier b. Samuel Champlain -Canada

5 II. Rise of Empires 1. Exploration = colonization a. Spanish Empire
-Mexico, Central America, Philippines b. French Colonies -Canada & Mississippi River c. Holland -South Africa, Caribbean, Indonesia, Sri Lanka d. Great Britain -North America (now U.S.) Caribbean, India

6 II. Rise of Empires Continued…
2. Reasons to Come to the ‘New World” a. Religious Freedom b. Cheap Land c. Spread Christianity 3. Effects of Colonization a. New Wealth b. New Crops c. New Conflicts -Europeans V. Natives -Europeans V. Europeans -7 Years War

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