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God Space – Week 1 Defining God Space and its practices Romans 12 v1.

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2 God Space – Week 1 Defining God Space and its practices Romans 12 v1

3 Bus lane ends No Overtaking Zone
Being outward focused “Almighty God, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in you.” – St Augustine of Hippo/Algeria ( AD) Bus lane ends No Overtaking Zone

4 It takes safe people to create safe places!
If Christ-followers are going to create a God Space for others it has to start inside us…. It takes safe people to create safe places! But so often I and ME get in the way! Romans chapter 12 verse 1 “So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves [your bodies] as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.” Being available

5 Defining God Space “God Space is where…
God is felt & encountered in tangible ways that address the longings & cries of the heart. we come to the end of our finite resources and experience the infinite resources of God. the natural gives way to the supernatural. seeds of faith are planted, watered, nurtured and harvested. gentleness and respect are present, judgment is absent, and divine dialogue flows naturally because trust has been established. God’s love is demonstrated in practical, doable and authentic ways the topic of God can be explored freely without our agendas getting in the way. cynics, sceptics, scoffers and spiritually curious people can raise their questions, share their doubts, voice their concerns, and even vent their anger towards God and the church. the “unworthy” feel safe enough to bring their real selves out into the light, and to journey, one step at a time, toward the magnetic pull they sense deep in their souls. spiritual curiosity is aroused and the message of Christ becomes believable.” God’s kingdom advances one heart at a time….

6 Being teachable God Space Practices 1. Pray – Gently explore the possibility of interceding for others. 2. Notice – Ask God to increase your awareness of people around you. 3. Serve – Look for ways to demonstrate God’s love with no strings attached through hospitality, community service etc 4. Listen – Focus on others! Ask to hear their story. Seek to understand their worldview. Reflect back what you’re hearing. Discerning prayer. 5. Wonder – Ask wondering questions to promote dialogue, probe belief systems, and reflect on life’s journey together. Open to doubts & difficulties. 6. Share/Tell – Ask for permission before you share. Keep it conversational! Do not over-supply and kill the demand! Share God’s story & our story.

7 Being outward focused Being available Being teachable


9 “…but with gentleness and respect.” using the six God Space practices

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