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SSCG15.a Compare and contrast the functions of the independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "SSCG15.a Compare and contrast the functions of the independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSCG15.a Compare and contrast the functions of the independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies

2 Assignment Create a triple Venn diagram to compare and contrast:
Independent regulatory agencies Government corporations Executive agencies Make sure you compare all three

3 Independent Regulatory Agencies
Independent regulatory agencies exist to regulate a specific economic activity or interest such as the National Labor Relations Board or Securities and Exchange Commission. They are independent because once their membership is appointed by the president, they cannot be removed without cause. They also have staggered terms of office to ensure that no one party gets to appoint all members.

4 Independent Regulatory Agencies
Independent regulatory agencies are federal agencies created by an act of Congress that are independent of the executive departments. These agencies are meant to impose and enforce regulations free of political influence.

5 Executive Agencies Independent executive agencies have narrower mandates than a Cabinet department. They generally perform a service function not a regulatory one, some examples include: CIA,NASA and the EPA.

6 Government Corporation
A government corporation is a legal entity created by a government to exercise some of the powers of the government. Some government corporations may resemble a not-for-profit corporation as they have no need or goal of satisfying the shareholders with return on their investment through price increase or dividends, while other government corporations are established as for-profit businesses.

7 Government Corporation
A government-owned corporation, state-owned enterprise, or government business enterprise is a legal entity created by a government to undertake commercial activities on behalf of an owner government, and are usually considered to be an element or part of the state. GOCs can be fully owned or partially owned by Government.

8 Government Corporations
The term government-linked company (GLC) is sometimes used to refer to corporate entities that may be private or public (listed on a stock exchange) where an existing government owns a stake using a holding company. There are two main definitions of GLCs and are dependent on the proportion of the corporate entity a government owns. One definition purports that a company is classified as a GLC if a government owns an effective controlling interest (>50%). The second definition suggests that any corporate entity that has a government as a shareholder is a GLC.

9 Differences: An Executive Agency is a part of a government department that is treated as separate in order to carry out some part of the executive functions Independent agencies of the United States government are those that exist outside of the departments of the executive branch. (Established through separate statutes passed by the U.S. Congress, each respective statutory grant of authority defines the goals the agency must work towards, as well as what substantive areas, if any, it may have the power of rulemaking over.)

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