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Presentation on theme: "Transcendentalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcendentalism

2 Transcendentalism Transcendentalism can be difficult to define.
Many different views among philosophers, but that is essentially what creates Transcendentalism. They celebrated their individuality. Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau

3 Transcendentalism Focus: Freedom, Nature, Optimism, Intuition, Mindfulness Style/Characteristics: essay, nonfiction, poetry, novel Philosophies: The individual should follow intuition/conscience rather than reason. One must rise above (transcend) the current state of the world (politics, church, society) to become self-aware Inspiration/spirituality is everywhere and in everything

4 Romanticism vs. Transcendentalism
Truth is found through: Emotion (External) Intuition/Conscience (Internal) Individuals need: Freedom from Institutions To completely transcend/ Rise above societal constraints Spirituality is the understanding that: God is something personal God is everywhere and in everything Expressed in forms of: Fiction (Most often) Nonfiction (Most prominently)

5 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
American poet, essayist, and philosopher Entered the ministry but resigned due to conflicting philosophies Central figure of Transcendentalism Known for challenging traditional thought An optimist in contrast to gothic writers of the time His motto became “Trust Thyself” which many Transcendentalists adopted

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