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School Leadership for Racial Equity

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Presentation on theme: "School Leadership for Racial Equity"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Leadership for Racial Equity
Dr. Gerald Hairston Ms. Jill Wnuk Our goal for the session: We will walk you through the experience of one school to show the implications for change and action.

2 Foundation: What do you have?
Gerald Discussion of what schools already have in place to do the work Hidden assets Attitudes for change

3 Let’s Talk What do you see in your school? Student data
Achievement Discipline Attendance, etc. Teacher performance Parent engagement Jill to review data points

4 Purpose: What Do you Want?
Gerald: What changes do you hope to see? What will that look like and how will you know?

5 Culturally Responsive Teaching
“Using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and performance styles of ethnically diverse students to make learning encounters more relevant to and effective for them.” (Gay, 2010c, p. 31). Gerald: This is the vehicle for change Explain frame of reference

6 Three Dimensions: Mindset – intercultural awareness (ability to understand similarities and differences) Heartset – intercultural sensitivity (emotional desire to acknowledge, appreciate and accept cultural differences) Skillset – intercultural adroitness (ability to reach communication goals while interacting with people from other cultures) *All three are important to intercultural competence (Bennett, J.M., 2003) Jill and Gerald: Gerald will explain meaning, Jill will provide examples Work requires all three areas

7 Function: How will you get it and how will you keep it?
Gerald: How to utilize these tools to change your school into an ethnic-centered school

8 An Approach to Systemic Change:
Intro An initial, informal gauge of the school’s readiness and culture with regard to racial equity, social justice, and cultural responsiveness. Audit Via focus groups….Measure perceptions, definitions of culture/identity, and their connections to stakeholders’ (staff, students, and families) experiences at the school.   Connect focus group data to an online survey for staff, and to student performance data to find themes and relationships.   A summary report is generated and provided to a team that consolidates the information and provides a rationale for next steps.   Gerald: goes thru steps done at TRMMS and other places

9 Approach Continued… Action
The team identifies a small number (e.g. 1-3) of actionable and S.M.A.R.T. responses to the summary report.   The subsequent action primarily affects educators, but can also necessitate action among students and/or parents. Reflection The team shares out with full staff, in some way, about the years’ worth of work and engages in a lessons learned and next steps discussion with staff. Gerald continues Jill reflects on the progress at TRMMS—focus groups, to idea of being connected (along with welcoming walkthrough data), development of 3 work groups, interventions in place this year

10 Open Q/A

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