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Melanie K. Rose, MD, Benjamin J. Pearce, MD, Thomas C

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1 Outcomes after celiac artery coverage during thoracic endovascular aortic aneurysm repair 
Melanie K. Rose, MD, Benjamin J. Pearce, MD, Thomas C. Matthews, MD, Mark A. Patterson, MD, Marc A. Passman, MD, William D. Jordan, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 62, Issue 1, Pages (July 2015) DOI: /j.jvs Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

2 Fig 1 Postdeployment angiogram shows placement of a 34- × 15-mm endograft at the celiac artery (CA) origin, with collateralization from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and no evidence of endoleak (EL). GDA, Gastroduodenal artery. Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

3 Fig 2 Left, A computed tomography angiogram (CTA) and (right) a three-dimensional rendered image demonstrate celiac coverage with collateralization from a gastroduodenal artery supplied by the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

4 Fig 3 A patient with visceral ischemia and weight loss required a superior mesenteric artery (SMA) stent. Left, A selective SMA angiogram demonstrates the endograft migration down to the SMA ostium. Right, Postdeployment aortogram shows the SMA stent. Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

5 Fig 4 Top, Computed tomography angiogram (CTA) shows patency of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) stent just below the endograft. Bottom, CTA demonstrates a type Ia endoleak (EL). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

6 Fig 5 Mortality (black bars) and surveillance (gray bars) follow-up over a medium follow-up of 38 months (range,  months). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

7 Fig 6 Kaplan-Meier plot demonstrates the long-term survival. SE, Standard error. Journal of Vascular Surgery  , 36-42DOI: ( /j.jvs ) Copyright © 2015 Society for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

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