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Zechariah 536 Zerubbabel leads the first captives to Judah – Ezra 1

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1 Zechariah 536 Zerubbabel leads the first captives to Judah – Ezra 1
535 Foundation of the Temple is laid – Ezra 3 533 Daniel after fasting for three weeks has the vision of Michael concerning the overthrow of Persia by Alexander the Great – Dan. 10:1 – 12:13 529 The building of the Temple stops – Ezra 4:24 521 The first year of Darius I King of Persia – Ezra 4:5 520 Haggai & Zechariah begin to prophesy – Haggai 1; Zech. 1 520 Work on Temple restored – Ezra 5:1-2 519 Darius I deposes Vashti and makes Esther the Queen – Esther 1:3/Esdras 3:1-2 510 Haman’s plot against the Jews overthrown by Esther and Mordecai - Esther 3:7ff 454 Decree of Nehemiah to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in the 20th year – Neh. 2:1 441 The prophet Malachi Zechariah

Ezra 5:1-2 Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. So Zerubbabel (the son of Shealtiel) and Jeshua (the son of Jozadak) rose up and began to build the house of God which is in Jerusalem; and the prophets of God were with them, helping them

Zechariah – “Whom Jehovah Remembers” Zechariah 1:1-6 – A call to repentance 1Cor. 10:6 Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. 11 Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come

Zechariah – “Whom Jehovah Remembers” Zechariah 1:1-6 – A call to repentance Zechariah 1:1-7 – 6:15 – A series of visions Zechariah 7 – Questions regarding fasting Zechariah 8-14 – A view to the coming Messiah

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) I saw by night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) I saw by night, and behold, a man riding on a red horse, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow; and behind him were horses: red, sorrel, and white.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Then I raised my eyes and looked, and behold, a man with a measuring line in his hand.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) And he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of Jehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand to be his adversary.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) The Lampstand & Olive Trees (4:1-14) And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I said, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps. Two olive trees are by it, one at the right of the bowl and the other at its left.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) The Lampstand & Olive Trees (4:1-14) The Flying Scroll (5:1-4) And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I answered, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) The Lampstand & Olive Trees (4:1-14) The Flying Scroll (5:1-4) The Woman in a Basket (5:5-11) So I asked, “What is it?” And he said, “It is a basket that is going forth.” He also said, “This is their resemblance throughout the earth: Here is a lead disc lifted up, and this is a woman sitting inside the basket”

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) The Lampstand & Olive Trees (4:1-14) The Flying Scroll (5:1-4) The Woman in a Basket (5:5-11) The Four Chariots (6:1-8) Then I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots were coming from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze. With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses, with the third chariot white horses, and with the fourth chariot dappled horses–strong steeds.

The Riders in the Myrtle Trees (1:7-17) The Four Horns & Four Craftsmen(1:18-21) The Man With the Measuring Line (2:1-13) Joshua the High Priest (3:1-5) The Lampstand & Olive Trees (4:1-14) The Flying Scroll (5:1-4) The Woman in a Basket (5:5-11) The Four Chariots (6:1-8)

14 FASTING TRADITIONS Zechariah 7:1-3 Now in the fourth year of King Darius it came to pass that the word of the LORD came to Zechariah, on the fourth day of the ninth month, Chislev, when the people sent She-re-zer, with Regem-Melech and his men, to the house of God, to pray before the LORD, and to ask the priests who were in the house of the LORD of hosts, and the prophets, saying, “Should I weep in the fifth month and fast as I have done for so many years?

15 FASTING TRADITIONS Mat. 15:8-9 These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men

16 For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant THE BRANCH.
THE MESSIAH IS COMING The Branch (3:8; 6:12-13) For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant THE BRANCH. Jer. 23:5-6 Behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

17 THE MESSIAH IS COMING The Branch (3:8; 6:12-13) The Humble King (9:9) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.

18 THE MESSIAH IS COMING The Branch (3:8; 6:12-13) The Humble King (9:9) The King Betrayed (11:12-13) Then I said to them, “If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.” So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. And the LORD said to me, “Throw it to the potter”–that princely price they set on me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD for the potter.

19 There Will Be Mourning in Jerusalem (12:10)
THE MESSIAH IS COMING The Branch (3:8; 6:12-13) The Humble King (9:9) The King Betrayed (11:12-13) There Will Be Mourning in Jerusalem (12:10) then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn


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