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Presentation on theme: "BALANCING FAMILY LIFE AND WORK EFFICIENCY"— Presentation transcript:

Faith A. Oyedepo

2 Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house (Proverbs 24:27).

3 INTRODUCTION Work plays a significant part in all our lives. Our earnings ensure that the lights stay on, there is food on the table and some extra to save for rainy days. God is the institutor of family (marriage) Proverbs 18:22, and He expect that we follow His dictates and principles by playing our role as a family.

4 On the other hand, God also instruct that we work because He hates idleness. 1 Thessalonians 3:10b says “if a man will not work, he shall not eat”. God’s uttermost desire is that we keep advancing both in our family life and career (Proverb 4:18). As we get increasingly more connected to work through technology and social media, it is becoming more and more difficult to separate work from personal lives.

5 Our lives are a mixture of different roles (spirituality, health, family, friends, career, service, etc.) Life Balance Spirituality Career Friends Service Health Family

6 Study shows that when people have stable and thriving families, they are much more creative, energetic, and productive at work.  Many people try to juggle between these, which leaves them feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and drained. So the question is how do we ensure successful living as family man or woman also at our work place (office).

7 DEFINITIONS Family life: The routine interactions and activities that a family have together. When members of a family enjoy each other's company and spend time doing things together, it enhances a good family life

8 Balance: An even distribution of weight, stability; ability to remain in a position without losing control. This leads to harmony or evenness. Balance can be in physical, emotional and spiritual form.

9 Efficiency: It is a measurable concept that can be determined using the ratio of total input to useful output; it is competency in performance. It is the ability to do things well, successfully and without waste.

To balance work and family life is a concept that defines the ways in which an individual strike an equilibrium between personal and professional life.   It refers to how you prioritize your work and personal life.

11 A good balance, enhances a productive work and fulfilling family life.
Some of the same skills and strategies you use at work such as planning, organizing, communicating, setting limits and delegating duties can be used effectively on the home-front for achieving a satisfying, fulfilling and well-balanced life.

“Balance is not something you find; it is something you create” - Anonymous BALANCING FAMILY LIFE WITH WORK EFFICIENCY (CU AUGUST 2018)

13 Establish a sure foundation (Psalm 11:3).
Have a personal relationship with God. “The Word of God is the number one most authentic, valid and relevant text for successful living” – Chancellor

14 2. The key of knowledge (Hosea 4:6; Luke 11:52)
Knowledge of God/His Word Knowledge of your assignment Knowledge of family life Consistent knowledge upgrade Know that your life activities are integrated, not separated!

15 3. Be armed with dedication (Proverbs 22:29).
Dedication is the platform for distinction

16 4. Wisdom – the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7) Make wise decisions.
Live a purpose-driven life. Be organized/schedule daily assignments. Put people before things. BALANCING FAMILY LIFE WITH WORK EFFICIENCY (CU AUGUST 2018)

17 5. Create strong Family relationships.
Spend quality time with family members. Create relationships with spouse/children that are not incidental but instrumental to your success. Create/organize a family calendar. Family vacation Put your house in order!

18 6. Emotional stability Don’t bring the stress from your work place home Always arrive home with joy and excitement.

19 IN CONCLUSION To balance family life with work place efficiently requires, establishing a sure foundation, the key of knowledge, dedication, wisdom, strong family relationships and emotional stability, among others. Balancing family life with work does not only increase efficiency, it also reduces stress, ensures mental and physical health, enhances emotional balance, promotes healthy lifestyle and makes work and family life enjoyable.

20 Finally, please be aware:
You can get vacation from work, but family is a life from which you cannot really get a vacation. “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life”

21 “Don’t confuse having a career with having a life” – Hillary Clinton
So, “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”


23 Remain ever blessed and thank you for listening.


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