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VHT SG July 2008 Closing Report

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1 VHT SG July 2008 Closing Report
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 July 2008 VHT SG July 2008 Closing Report Date: Authors: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

2 April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 July 2008 Abstract This document is the closing report for the Very High Throughput Study Group for the July 2008 plenary session. Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

3 April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 July 2008 Work Completed Reviewed initial PAR feedback and prepared responses From individuals, 08/812r0, 08/855r0 From c, 08/724r2 Reviewed Tutorials 60 GHz Tutorial, Eldad Perahia, 08/814r1 <6 GHz Tutorial, Marc De Courville, 08/825r0 Joint meeting with regarding 60 GHz user experience, Gal Basson, 08/848r0 Reviewed official PAR feedback and prepared responses, 08/880r1 Based on feedback, updated PAR & 5C’s 60 GHz: 08/806r3 <6 GHz: 08/807r3 Reviewed EC report, 08/813r1 Presentations Backward Compatible or Not?, Junghoon Jee, 08/790r0 Channel Modeling for 60 GHz WLAN Systems, Alexander Maltsev, 08/0811r1 Some Ambiguities about Throughput Conditions in PAR, 08/821r3, Minho Cheong Approved PAR & feedback response motion in mid-week plenary Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

4 July 2008 SG Extension Motion Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the Very High Throughput Study Group. Move: Darwin Engwer Second: Dick Roy Vote Y: 55, N: 0, Abs: 0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

5 Goals for September Officer elections (will occur in WG) If necessary,
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 July 2008 Goals for September Officer elections (will occur in WG) If necessary, Update PAR’s & 5C’s based on feedback from EC or NesCom Complete work on PAR & 5 C’s and re-submit motion to WG At least first session as VHT joint meeting If possible split into VHT60 and VHTL6 and begin Task Group work Topics TG process Technical contributions Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

6 Conference call times Continue conference call times: Topics:
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 July 2008 Conference call times Continue conference call times: Weekly on Thursday’s, 11:00 Eastern Time two hour Topics: TG process Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

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