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Thinking Outside the Archive Walls:

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1 Thinking Outside the Archive Walls:
Enriching Community Book Discussions Jan Zauha, Humanities & Outreach Librarian Special Collections & Archival Informatics Montana State University Library Bozeman, MT Pacific Northwest Library Association Annual Conference Kalispell, Montana August 3, 2018 Has your community book group hit the wall? Would you like to take your meetings to the next level? Explore how free digital archives can enrich book discussions by providing inside knowledge about history, authors’ lives, and writing processes. Identify best ways to find and include primary sources in discussions. Objectives for the program: 1. To expose attendees to free and interesting archival resources 2. To help attendees understand ways these archives can add dimension to their community book discussions 3. To generate and share ideas that will refresh book group programming

2 We’ll talk about... Book groups generally Why archives?
What kind of archives? Where are they? How might they be used? What are YOUR ideas/experiences?

3 Who am I? Outreach & Humanities Librarian at Montana State University in Bozeman Since 1995 at MSU; Since 2018 located in Special Collections & Archival Informatics NOT an archivist! Project co-lead on The Ivan Doig Archive: Voices and Vistas exhibit at the Big Sky Country State Fair, summer 2017 Leader of 3 community book groups in Bozeman Masters in literature and library science

4 The Book Group Low-Down
How are our numbers? Who’s participating? What kinds of books are you reading? How are they running? Democratically? Controlled? Things that are working? And things that are not working? My experience

5 Friends of MSU Library Book Group: 2000-
Democratic selection Focused discussion Your book? You lead! No wine  (ok, sometimes) No authors invited! But supplemental materials encouraged

6 Archives + Reading Group: The Doig Experiment


8 What kinds of books/book groups might benefit from archival materials?
Great books groups History-focused (fiction or non-fiction) Place-based Disengaged or floundering groups: wine + archives = insight? Diversity/social justice-focused Single author-focused Other?

9 Author archives with significant digital content
Jack London -- Ursula K. Le Guin -- Richard Brautigan -- Owen Wister -- Willa Cather -- Tony Hillerman – Mark Twain -- Ivan Doig – Not available Ken Kesey Tom Robbins AB Guthrie Wallace Stegner Vardis Fisher Norman Maclean Dorothy Johnson


11 History and Place-based Archives
Alaska’s Digital Archives Alberta on Record MemoryBC Idaho State Historical Society Digital Collections Montana Memory Project Washington State Library Digital Collections & Resources

12 Drifter, sheep wagon and band, winter camp. 1907. Huffman, L. A
Drifter, sheep wagon and band, winter camp Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), Montana Memory Project

13 National & Regional Archives
Archives Canada Library of Congress Digital Collections National Archives (US) Archives West Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)

14 Archives Canada – search on “sled dogs”

15 Diversity Archives GLBT Historical Society Archives BC Gay and Lesbian Archives Photography Collection Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives Black Past Digital Archives American Indians of the Pacific Northwest Collection Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains great-plains/ Latino Cultural Heritage Digital Archives

16 ACT UP Die-In to protest the number of AIDS-related deaths due to lack of education and funding. 1990s. BC Gay and Lesbian Archives Photography Collection

17 Specialty Archives The Soundscapes of Ivan Doig National Public Radio Archive Weather Underground Historical Weather Western Soundscape Archive The Culture of Cooking topics/bon-appetit-cooking/Pages/culture-cooking.aspx Western Slang, Lingo, & Phrases: A Writer’s Guide to the Old West


19 Thank you! Would you like to…
Collaborate? Talk to me about ideas? Share information? Contact me at

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