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Top Ten Things You Know But Don’t Remember!.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Ten Things You Know But Don’t Remember!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Ten Things You Know But Don’t Remember!

2 Who is the responsible party?
You are responsible for your own work!! This includes and instant messages sent or received!! You are the owner of your login and password. Any or instant message sent via your account is your responsibility. It’s common sense to not share your password or allow someone to use your account.

3 is not private Any sent through the school network is not guaranteed to be private! School and IMs are subject to Public record. Public records may be created by federal, state, and local government, (vital records, immigration records, real estate records, driving records, criminal records, etc.) or by the individual (magazine subscriptions, voter registration, etc.). Most public records are maintained by the government and many are accessible to the public free-of-charge or for an administrative fee. Availability of public records is determined by federal, state, and local regulations.

4 Who knows your password/s?
No one! Shhh!!! Don't tell people your passwords! The account is YOUR responsibility! Remember when you someone your login and password – it’s your information, not theirs! And it’s YOUR responsibility!

5 Password security Change your passwords frequently!
The wisest thing you can do: Do not share your password! Often programs ask you to change your password as a security measure after a designated period of time. NC Wise security makes you change your password every 90 days. This may not be feasible for every account therefore, the wisest thing you can do – Do not share your password!

6 Watch your Fingers!!!   Don't let inappropriate words, copying, or threats be your downfall! Sometimes when we are angry or upset, we tend to type up an . Make it a habit not to sent when you are angry. OR just send it to yourself. Often we regret sending these messages. The same goes for instant messages. Just walk away from the keyboard. Finally, do use any words that are not your own. Give credit when using another’s work.

7 Netiquette DON'T YELL AT PEOPLE!!!
In Internet etiquette or “netiquette” all caps is considered yelling.

8 Plagiarism is on the Rise
Cite your Work! Set a good example for students! Give credit to the author. Don’t be a copycat! Set a good example for your students!

9 Get paid while you work….?
You may not use the internet at work to make money! This is against the Telecommunications Code of Ethics. It’s against the Iredell-Statesville Schools’ Telecommunications Code of ethics to use the Internet at school for anything that is NOT curriculum related. It states “Users will limit their pursuit of information through electronic sources to curriculum-related activities.” Also in the Acceptable Use Policy that every staff member signs is this statement: The instructional staff in Iredell-Statesville Schools will use Internet accounts for instructional purposes. Instructional staff members should maintain the highest level of ethical behavior in the use of the Internet and should promote that behavior among students.”

10 Getting around webfilters is not OK
Don't use proxies! Proxies are against acceptable use. Using a Proxy are against acceptable use. A proxy is a program or website that may allow you to get around a network’s webfilters. Some of these programs may actually install malware or viruses to your computer. Remember, failure to comply to the AUP could result in disciplinary action or even dismissal!

11 What’s the best thing I can do?
Follow the Telecommunications Code of Ethics and the Acceptable Use Policy. If you haven’t signed one, we can do that today. Have copies on hand for those who are not sure if they signed on.

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