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WWI ends Peacefully? What were 5 ways Germany was punished for WWI?

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Presentation on theme: "WWI ends Peacefully? What were 5 ways Germany was punished for WWI?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI ends Peacefully? What were 5 ways Germany was punished for WWI?
TODAY Goals: What were 5 ways Germany was punished for WWI? Why is Germany the only one being punished? Which nations were in charge of dictating the peace agreement?

2 The Fourteen Points v. Treaty of Versailles
January 1919 = The “Big Four” Palace of Versailles (France) The “Big Four” = Allied Powers. Great Britain France USA Italy Germany is NOT ALLOWED


4 The Fourteen Points v. Treaty of Versailles
Nov. 11, 1918 = Armistice “cease fire” the war is over...on the battlefield. Issues: How does a nation negotiate peace? Who should pay for wars?




8 Who wants what: France = wants revenge! Why?
Had the most civilian and soldier deaths War was fought in their nation = country was destroyed! Felt like Germany was still a huge threat. Its their next-door-neighbor

9 Who wants what: Great Britain = wants justice but not revenge Why?
Thought a harsh punishment would just cause another war. They did want to expand the British Empire so they want land.

10 Who wants what: America = wants peace fairness, safety
He wanted his “Fourteen Points” Point #14 = Create the League of Nations: nations could work together to solve problems. Promised self-determination = freedom to nations who wanted it. Thought all nation’s were to blame for this war…not just Germany

11 The ACTUAL Treaty of Versailles
14pts are REJECTED! = Allied Powers = no way! The Allies think Wilson is being too nice. Treaty of Versailles: 1.) Guilt Clause: Germany to admit that they are completely guilty for everything! 2.) Germany to pay $33 billion in war damages = Reparations 3.) Military broken down and limited 4.) Divide Empires 5.) Created League of Nations

12 The Fourteen Points v. Treaty of Versailles USA = REJECTS The Treaty!!
Senate says no way! Why?? Senate did not like the League of Nations = too complicated, we don’t want to deal with Europe’s problems

13 TREATY = Divide Empires New Nations: 1.) Poland 2.) Czech Republic
3.) Austria 4.) Hungary 5.) Romania 6.) Yugoslavia 7.) Smaller Bulgaria 8.) Turkey

14 Germany: How do you feel about this?
Forced to sign Angry = it’s unfair! Clause 231 = Why is it all our fault!?? We won’t be able to pay all that money = our people will starve 1/10 of land was taken = People who were once German were now Polish or Austrian?? Hitler: Will promise to get back what Germany lost…


16 Wars 1.) A CAUSE: reasons why these nations are fighting. 2.) ALLIANCES form: There are always reasons why a nation picks the team they do. 3.) PREPARATION for war. What does our nation do to get ready? 4.) The actual FIGHT: battles, weapons, military leaders. 5.) The END. How did the war end? Who was there? Peace?

17 ONLY write what you absolutely know
Let’s Get Organized 1.) Using the list of key words = write the words in the boxes where they belong…do not define them, just list them 2.) Now that you know what category words belong you will be able to answer the study guide questions. Transfer a more detailed explanation of the words onto your test study guide. ONLY write what you absolutely know you will forget!

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