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KV IAT Girinagar Pune – 25 Mrs. Pushpa Prakash Class – IV

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1 KV IAT Girinagar Pune – 25 Mrs. Pushpa Prakash Class – IV Subject – Mathematics

2 12. Capacity 12.1 Units of Capacity
We know that the commonly used of capacity are the litre and the millilitre . Here are several different shaped litre measures. Each one has the same capacity of 1 litre (verify!) 1000 millilitres (ml) make 1 litre (l). 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre 1 litre

3 Given below are some measures of greater capacities:
We do have measures of capacity more than 1 litre as well as of capacity less than 1 litre . Given below are some measures of greater capacities: 2 litres 5 litres 10 litres

4 In our day-to-day life we come across many situations where a small quantity of liquid is to be measured. For this purpose, measures of capacities lesser than 1 litre are also available to us. Some such measures are the following: 1000 ml= 1l

5 1 measure of 200 ml and 1 measures of 100ml. or
Suppose you want to get 300 ml of milk from a milkman. What measures the milkman would use for measuring 300ml of milk? 1 measure of 200 ml and 1 measures of 100ml. or 3 measures of 100 ml each

6 1 measure of 500 ml +1 measure of 200 ml
What measures will he use for measuring 800 ml? 1 measure of 500 ml +1 measure of 200 ml And 1 measure of 100 ml. Or 4 measures of 200 ml each. 8 measures of 100 ml each.

7 Exercise 12 Decide what would you use, l or ml to measure these quantities: (a) The ink in your pen (b) Milk in a cup.

8 2. Fill in the blanks. 1 l 500 ml 200 ml 100 ml 50 ml 1.
Sl No. What measures will be used to measure 1 l 500 ml 200 ml 100 ml 50 ml 1. 450 ml of water

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