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Galleons and Caravans War, Conflict, Slavery.

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Presentation on theme: "Galleons and Caravans War, Conflict, Slavery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galleons and Caravans War, Conflict, Slavery

2 War in Europe and Asia The 17thC. was a century of total war Europe
The Ottoman Empire China India

3 Military Revolution 4 essential ingredients – Tactics Strategy
army size overall impact.

4 New battle formations New architecture for fortifications



7 Key New Technologies Cast-iron cannon Light field artillery galleons
Armed sea-going vessels


9 Asia and firearms China – gunpowder from the 10th C. – use in battle from the 14thC. Gun founding and the Jesuits Japan and Portuguese firearms Tokugawa and gun culture Fleets of Zheng He, but no man of war




13 Fiscal crisis Jack Goldstone’s comparative work on European and Asian political and fiscal crisis in the 17thc Ecological and demographic change

14 Internal Conflict Ottoman Empire – janissary revolts;
China - banditry and factions failing to mobilize together against the Manchus; England – religious conflict and gentry factions, then Civil War.

15 Slavery Inikori – Africa and the Atlantic Basin
Plantation agriculture – Philip Curtin Brazil and the Caribbean


17 Slave labour force and gang organization
Legacy of slavery and Britain

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