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Respiratory System Day 3.

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1 Respiratory System Day 3

2 Frontal Sinus (1) Nasal Cavity (3) Right Lung (13) Right Bronchus (14) Alveoli (17) Capillaries (18) Terminal Bronchiole (15) Diaphragm (25) Sphenoidal Sinus (2) Nasopharynx (4) Oropharynx (5) Laryngeal pharynx (6) Larynx and vocal Cords (8) Esophagus (9) Trachea (10) Mediastinum (12) Visceral Pleura (21) Parietal Pleura (20) Sternum (23) Epiglottis (7)

3 B. Nasal Cavity Mucous Membrane: moistens the incoming air
Add to your diagram Mucous Membrane: moistens the incoming air Cilia: filters the incoming air F. Capillaries: warms the air

4 J, K, L. Pharynx Contracts to move food to the esophagus
Contracts to move food to the esophagus

5 M. Larynx and Vocal Cords
Vibrate and enable you to talk

6 Q. Visceral Pleura R. Parietal Pleura

7 Q. Visceral Pleura R. Parietal Pleura
Fluid filled, lines the lungs Fluid filled, lines the thoracic cavity

8 A, I: Sinuses Cavities that are filled with mucous.
Moisten the air and surrounding tissue

9 Partner Review You must include:
Use Quizlet live, Kahoots… to create a review for this Unit You must include: Structures on pg 90 Some images Some directional terminology (superior to, lateral to…) Functions on pg 79 Lung Values on pg 92 Some Definitions Some Normal Values Some Irregular Values Some on how would they be affected

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