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4-H Key Club Presentation

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1 4-H Key Club Presentation
Oklahoma 4-H 4-H Key Club Presentation

2 An Explanation… Membership is extended to only the top 4-H members in the state. It is an honorary organization. It is recognition for hard work and a job well done. Membership is extended to only the top 4-H members in the state. Each county is encouraged to award two memberships annually, however, if all requirements are met, more may be extended. When Key Club was established as an honorary organization to recognized 4-H members for hard work and a job well done.

3 4-H Key Club History The 4-H Key Club was established in 1950.
It is a family tradition. (if you have family members who are in Key Club, you can type these in here) Is a Club Tradition (if you have club members that are in Key Club, you can type these in here) It is a County Tradition (Identify others in your county who are in Key Club) 4-H Club club is celebrating it’s 55th birthday this year. I want to continuing a family tradition first started by my aunt in the 1960’s. A family tree of 4-H Key Club members was begun at that time and it is my intention to add another branch to the tree.

4 Objectives Represent:
Leadership Recognizes outstanding accomplishments Loyalty Provides a common bond among former 4-H members Responsibility As a member, you are expected to make a life-long commitment to 4-H The Objectives of the Oklahoma 4-H Key Club are to recognize Leadership, to provide a common bond of loyalty, and to establish a life-long commitment to the 4-H youth development program.

5 Qualifications for Key Club:
Must be a current 4-H member. Must be at least 15 years old on September 1 the year of application. Must submit the completed application form by the appropriate deadline. Must accumulate a minimum of 400 points. Must be approved by the Extension Staff Must make a presentation to a 4-H group about Key Club Must make a presentation to a non-4-H group about 4-H in general. To qualify for Key Club membership you: Must be a current 4-H member. Must be at least 15 years old on January 1 the year of application. Must submit the completed application form by the appropriate deadline. Must accumulate a minimum of 400 points. Must be approved by the Extension Staff Must make a presentation to a 4-H group about Key Club Must make a presentation to a non-4-H group about 4-H in general.

6 Awards New members are recognized and installed at State 4-H Round-up.
New members receive the official 4-H Key Club Pin and Certificate Key Club members are eligible to apply for a $500 scholarship This presentation will complete my requirements for membership. New members are recognized and installed at 4-H Round-up. As a new member, the official “Key” which is seen on this presentation is received as well as a certificate of membership. This also will make me eligible to apply for the $500 scholarship awarded to graduating seniors.

7 Oklahoma 4-H Key Club is Over ½ century of recognizing outstanding 4-H members for their: Leadership Loyalty and for being Responsible 4-H Members in Oklahoma Remember, as a member of the over 55 year old organization, you become a “Key” to Oklahoma 4-H’s future. Through the leadership, loyalty, and commitment of membership, you accept a life-long commitment to 4-H.

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