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2012 Spring Business Meeting Seattle, Washington

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1 2012 Spring Business Meeting Seattle, Washington
WESTAR Staff Reports 2012 Spring Business Meeting Seattle, Washington

2 WESTAR Training Program
Jeff Gabler

3 Training Program Summary of FY2012 Activities: ~24 Courses Offered 45 Training Days ~ 600 Students Trained Update of EPA APTI Training Course: APTI 427 Student Manual Review Process to Determine Appropriate Course to be Updated

4 Training Program Summary of FY2012 Activities:
Active Participants on NACAA’s National Training Strategy Project Vision of NTSP: a national program to develop and enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by state, local and federal air quality professional to accomplish organizational objectives and support the national clean air mission. NTSP Action Plan Committee & Related Subcommittees WESTAR Staff Members Active Participants on 5 of 7 Subcommittees Curriculum Development Administration Communication Needs Assessment Course Development & Updates

5 Training Program 20-24 Courses Held in 10-12 States
FY2013 Activities $367,500 in Funding 20-24 Courses Held in States Assessment of Agency Needs Update EPA APTI Course

6 WESTAR Technical Program
Bob Lebens

7 Committees Planning Technical Sources SO2 NAAQS SIP Infrastructure SIP
Regional Haze Technical NO2 Permit Modeling Ozone transport Sources Information sharing Regional Haze Activities The states are completing their BART determinations and RH SIP’s, with WRAP helping.  (Regional Haze status table is in meeting material, on thumb drives) Other WRAP Activities Oil & Gas The WRAP O&G Workgroup remains in place with bimonthly calls. The Phase III inventory process is moving forward with Wyoming’s funding help, and we are looking at updating these 2006 baselines to 2009 under a Phase IV effort. The Piceance Pilot Project (P3) is looking at Mobile Source Emissions. Fire Emissions Tracking System The FETS Project also has bimonthly calls. The FETS website is good on funding into sometime in early 2011, and we have some new funding for an additional effort for a comparative analysis of FETS fire emissions data as compared to the EPA defaults in the 2008 NEI. We are looking to prepare new “regional air quality planning grade” inventories for   WRAP websites (WRAP & EDMS) The WRAP websites and the Emission Data Management System contracts were consolidated under an Air Resource Specialists contract, with funding stable into the first quarter of These sites will be maintained with a low level of effort and no new development or training. Technical Support System & Visibility Information Exchange Web System The TSS & VIEWS websites will go into hibernation by the end of the year. They will remain available in static form; with no project changes after 2009 IMPROVE data are added this year. There are two new and emerging projects before the WRAP. WestJumpAQMS The WestJumpAQMS Project was conceived by the State of New Mexico, the BLM, & BP Oil Company to begin the next round of regional modeling in response to ozone standards, focusing on the Four Corners Area. But proponents knew they needed inventories outside the Four Corners, and thus this will cover a wider western U.S. perspective. Initial funding is coming through New Mexico, from the BLM and EPA R6, and separately from BP, to the WGA for contracting. Additional resources are needed and being sought.   Regional Transmission Expansion Project The RTEP is a DOE funded project for the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to study transmission requirements under a range of alternative energy scenarios. The proponents want to incorporate the WRAP’s most recent PRP18b emissions data. The WRAP will go to states with a Technical Memorandum for updating this information and give the results back to the project principals. There are also two WGA Cooperative Agreements which are paid for by the proponents and will occupy half Tom Moore’s time in the coming couple of years.  (Not on slide) National Park Service Critical Loads This project will collate, database and publish Critical Loads air quality data. NASA Satellite Data Management This project will help work on applying NASA satellite data for use in air quality analysis and planning efforts in the WGA region. 7

8 Ad Hoc Work Groups Regional Haze Work Group Oil & Gas Work Group
Implementation improvements Oil & Gas Work Group NSPS/NESHAPS Biomass Work Group NSPS Residential Wood Boilers Ozone Work Group SIP/Transport Regional Haze Activities The states are completing their BART determinations and RH SIP’s, with WRAP helping.  (Regional Haze status table is in meeting material, on thumb drives) Other WRAP Activities Oil & Gas The WRAP O&G Workgroup remains in place with bimonthly calls. The Phase III inventory process is moving forward with Wyoming’s funding help, and we are looking at updating these 2006 baselines to 2009 under a Phase IV effort. The Piceance Pilot Project (P3) is looking at Mobile Source Emissions. Fire Emissions Tracking System The FETS Project also has bimonthly calls. The FETS website is good on funding into sometime in early 2011, and we have some new funding for an additional effort for a comparative analysis of FETS fire emissions data as compared to the EPA defaults in the 2008 NEI. We are looking to prepare new “regional air quality planning grade” inventories for   WRAP websites (WRAP & EDMS) The WRAP websites and the Emission Data Management System contracts were consolidated under an Air Resource Specialists contract, with funding stable into the first quarter of These sites will be maintained with a low level of effort and no new development or training. Technical Support System & Visibility Information Exchange Web System The TSS & VIEWS websites will go into hibernation by the end of the year. They will remain available in static form; with no project changes after 2009 IMPROVE data are added this year. There are two new and emerging projects before the WRAP. WestJumpAQMS The WestJumpAQMS Project was conceived by the State of New Mexico, the BLM, & BP Oil Company to begin the next round of regional modeling in response to ozone standards, focusing on the Four Corners Area. But proponents knew they needed inventories outside the Four Corners, and thus this will cover a wider western U.S. perspective. Initial funding is coming through New Mexico, from the BLM and EPA R6, and separately from BP, to the WGA for contracting. Additional resources are needed and being sought.   Regional Transmission Expansion Project The RTEP is a DOE funded project for the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to study transmission requirements under a range of alternative energy scenarios. The proponents want to incorporate the WRAP’s most recent PRP18b emissions data. The WRAP will go to states with a Technical Memorandum for updating this information and give the results back to the project principals. There are also two WGA Cooperative Agreements which are paid for by the proponents and will occupy half Tom Moore’s time in the coming couple of years.  (Not on slide) National Park Service Critical Loads This project will collate, database and publish Critical Loads air quality data. NASA Satellite Data Management This project will help work on applying NASA satellite data for use in air quality analysis and planning efforts in the WGA region. 8

9 Future Activities Biomass Work Group Regional Haze Work Group
NSPS Review/Comment Other residential wood heating issues Regional Haze Work Group Implementation improvements Oil & Gas Work Group Promulgation of NSPS/NESHAPS Technical Conference on Ozone Transport W/UNR? Regional Haze Activities The states are completing their BART determinations and RH SIP’s, with WRAP helping.  (Regional Haze status table is in meeting material, on thumb drives) Other WRAP Activities Oil & Gas The WRAP O&G Workgroup remains in place with bimonthly calls. The Phase III inventory process is moving forward with Wyoming’s funding help, and we are looking at updating these 2006 baselines to 2009 under a Phase IV effort. The Piceance Pilot Project (P3) is looking at Mobile Source Emissions. Fire Emissions Tracking System The FETS Project also has bimonthly calls. The FETS website is good on funding into sometime in early 2011, and we have some new funding for an additional effort for a comparative analysis of FETS fire emissions data as compared to the EPA defaults in the 2008 NEI. We are looking to prepare new “regional air quality planning grade” inventories for   WRAP websites (WRAP & EDMS) The WRAP websites and the Emission Data Management System contracts were consolidated under an Air Resource Specialists contract, with funding stable into the first quarter of These sites will be maintained with a low level of effort and no new development or training. Technical Support System & Visibility Information Exchange Web System The TSS & VIEWS websites will go into hibernation by the end of the year. They will remain available in static form; with no project changes after 2009 IMPROVE data are added this year. There are two new and emerging projects before the WRAP. WestJumpAQMS The WestJumpAQMS Project was conceived by the State of New Mexico, the BLM, & BP Oil Company to begin the next round of regional modeling in response to ozone standards, focusing on the Four Corners Area. But proponents knew they needed inventories outside the Four Corners, and thus this will cover a wider western U.S. perspective. Initial funding is coming through New Mexico, from the BLM and EPA R6, and separately from BP, to the WGA for contracting. Additional resources are needed and being sought.   Regional Transmission Expansion Project The RTEP is a DOE funded project for the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to study transmission requirements under a range of alternative energy scenarios. The proponents want to incorporate the WRAP’s most recent PRP18b emissions data. The WRAP will go to states with a Technical Memorandum for updating this information and give the results back to the project principals. There are also two WGA Cooperative Agreements which are paid for by the proponents and will occupy half Tom Moore’s time in the coming couple of years.  (Not on slide) National Park Service Critical Loads This project will collate, database and publish Critical Loads air quality data. NASA Satellite Data Management This project will help work on applying NASA satellite data for use in air quality analysis and planning efforts in the WGA region. 9

10 WESTAR Contract Services
Don Arkell

11 Contract Services Part-time, hourly Projects
Biogenic Emissions Inventory Co-management – WESTAR contract with WRAP contract awarded to Environ/Guenther late May; Project initiated June 1 First task, technical report completed WESTAR comments on draft EPA guidance on Exceptional Events Comment letter to EPA on June 30 WRAP board members – filling vacant seat and new terms WRAP board seats filled Summarize conclusions of surveys on regional planning funding options Preliminary assessment of Regional Haze 5-yr review requirements Attended WESTAR Planning Committee meeting

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