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Submission Title: [Example UWB Tx Data]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [Example UWB Tx Data]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission Title: [Example UWB Tx Data]
November 2006 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Example UWB Tx Data] Date Submitted: [15−November−2006] Source: [Michael Mc Laughlin] Company [Decawave Ltd.] Address [25 Meadowfield, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland] Voice:[+353− ], FAX: [What’s a FAX?], E−Mail: Re: [ a.] Abstract: [Examines anomalies thrown up by trying to modulate some example data with the UWB radio] Purpose: [To promote discussion in a.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Mc Laughlin, Decawave

2 Example UWB transmit Annex
November 2006 Example UWB transmit Annex Matlab Function to encode example UWB data according to Draft 5 Example case is a mandatory one: 850Mbps, mean PRF 15.6MHz , 500MHz wide Channel code index 6 for channel 3 Followed the instructions unless there seemed to be an error Came across places which need Fixes for errors Clarifications Mc Laughlin, Decawave

3 Input and Output UWB welcomes IEEE Output pulses
November 2006 Input and Output Output pulses Burst Start Chip Burst −+++ −−−−−−−−−−++−−−− 256 −+−+++++ −−−−−−++++−−−−−− −−−−+−−−+−−−−−−− 320 ++−−++−− 80 +−+−+−+−−−−−−−++ 112 −−−−−−++++++−+++ −−−−+−−−−−++−−−− ++−−++++−+−+++++ +−+−−−++++−−−−++ 48 −−++−+++−+++−+++ +−++−−++−−++−−++ 336 +−+−+−+−+−+−+−−+ 368 −−−−−−−−−−−−+−++ −−−−−−−−−−+++−−− −−−−−−−−+−−+−−−− −−−−−−++−++−−−−− −−−−+−++−+−−−−−− ++−−−+−−− 272 etc… PSDU input data from MAC UWB welcomes IEEE Note: No CRC Intermediate data checkpoints Phy Header Number information bits, I = 136. PSDU Bits RS Encoded Bits Convolutional Input Bits G0 bits G1 bits Scrambler Out Mc Laughlin, Decawave

4 November 2006 Convolutional Coding In 6.8a.9.2, the convolutional encoder must be initialised to [0 0]; CID 422 In 6.8a.9.2, there will be a performance loss unless the first systematic and parity bits are transmitted I can’t find any text which says that tail bits are added. I believe we need two. Mc Laughlin, Decawave

5 RS Encoder 6.8a.9.1, Page 76, Line 14 should be k=0 to 54 and not
November 2006 RS Encoder 6.8a.9.1, Page 76, Line 14 should be k=0 to 54 and not k=1:54 CID 115 Confirmed with Ismail that Eqn 6.8a.9.1, Page 76, Line 46 should be: U(x) = x8D(x) + P(x) U(x) = D(x) + x8P(x) CID 453 Mc Laughlin, Decawave

6 November 2006 Time Hopping In section 6.8a.8.2 What happens to the h(k) if there are not enough bits in Ncpb to make a new burst position, i .e. Ncpb<m. Does it re-use the older ones? I think it implies yes. Should say this explicitly e.g. we say: “Note that for Ncpb < m, the LFSR is clocked Ncpb times, not m times.” CID 422 In section 6.8a.8.2 page 74, m= log2(#Hopping Bursts), but table 39a uses Nhop so this would be much clearer if it said m= log2(Nhop) Already fixed Mc Laughlin, Decawave

7 Consistent Terminology
November 2006 Consistent Terminology Figures 27i and 27k use c0 and c1 for the convolutional coder output, everywhere else uses g0, g1. Should make this consistent. CID 81 Tchip is used in Fig27c , Tc other places Already fixed Reference to dump bits in 6.8a.9.1 Reed-Solomon encoder. Should this be dummy bits? CID 422 Mc Laughlin, Decawave

8 November 2006 Scrambler In Table 39h it’s confusing that the scrambler initialiser and the scrambler output are in opposite order Flip initial code order and Fig 27i CID 222 In Table 39h there are 16 bits in the Initial state table but they are assigned to 15 things (s-1 to s-15) Initial code uses first 15 elements of preamble code after 0s removed and -1s changed to 0 CID 219 Because the scrambler initialiser is nearly all ones, the first 4 hopping positions in a frame will always be zero. Don’t know if this is really bad, but don’t like it Because the scrambler initialiser is nearly all ones, the first 6 symbols are heavily DC biased. Don’t like this one at all. TG4a packets can be very short. This can be a significant part of them Mc Laughlin, Decawave

9 Conclusions Some errors found Some editorial changes required
November 2006 Conclusions Some errors found Some editorial changes required We have sponsor comments to hang each of these on. Mc Laughlin, Decawave

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