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All Creatures Great and Small.

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1 All Creatures Great and Small.
PSE I will demonstrates friendly behaviour, initiate a conversations in the woodland role play areas I will listen to and takes account of what others say when we are investigating mini-beasts around school. I will explain my knowledge and understanding, about animals in the UK and ask appropriate questions of others. I will develop confidence to speak to others about what I have learnt. I will follow and help others to follow the pride rules learned through the jigsaw lessons.. Physical Development. Communication Language and Literacy. I will be thinking about sequence of events in stories and saying what happened in the beginning, middle and end. I will be extending my vocabulary by grouping and naming the meaning of new sounds and words. I will use new language when I explore in the school grounds and the role play area. I will use pretend talk when I use props in the role play area. I will show confidence in my voice when I retell stories, sing songs and recite poems. I will use scissors independently during craft work, I will be able to cut around animal shapes I will hold a pencil between thumb and two fingers in all my work. I will practise different ways of moving pretending I am different creatures in the woodland. I will jumps off an object and land appropriately. During P.E I will show increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it. All Creatures Great and Small. Numbers (Using numbers 1 -20) I will count reliably with numbers from one to 20, I will place them in order . And be able to say which number is one more or one less than a given number. I will add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. I will solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing Shape, space and measures I will use everyday language to talk about size, weight and capacity I will compare quantities and objects and solve problems. I will order two or three items by, weight, capacity, length and height Mathematics Literacy I will recognise and write my name independently using cursive handwriting. I will be listening to and learning a range of fiction books. I will be learning about and information from non-fiction books I will be extending my knowledge of sounds that letters make including digraphs and trigraphs I will be learning to write sentences I will be writing about different animals and their homes. I will be learning to write for a purpose e.g. making lists, writing stories and captions. I will begin to form letters correctly using cursive writing. Text- The Gingerbread Man. Animal babies Spring 2 Expressive Arts and Design I will be sketching pictures of different animals. I will be making collage pictures to show different how different animals are e.g., fur, feathers, hair. I will be thinking about colours and using them appropriately in my pictures. I will be using a range of objects to make animal paw prints. I will be learning new songs to help me in my learning. I will be using my imagination in the role play area. I will be acting out stories with my friends. Understanding the World I will talk about the different animals that live in the UK. I will discuss where they live and what they eat. I will make observations of the different types of animals and be able to name their young.

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