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Biology Ecology Jeopardy.

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1 Biology Ecology Jeopardy

2 Levels of Organization
Food Web and Pyramids Levels of Organization Succession Food Chain Cycles/ Random 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Levels of Organization for 100
Question: The branch of biology dealing with interaction among organisms and between organisms and their environment is? Check Your Answer

4 Levels of Organization for 100
Answer: Ecology Return to the Main Board

5 Levels of Organization for 200
Question: One species that lives in a certain area is called? Check Your Answer

6 Levels of Organization for 200
Answer: Population Return to the Main Board

7 Levels of Organization for 300
Question: The combined portions of Earth in which all living things exist? Check Your Answer

8 Levels of Organization for 300
Answer: Biosphere Return to the Main Board

9 Levels of Organization for 400
Question: What is an ecosystem? (answer must have two vocab words included) Check Your Answer

10 Levels of Organization for 400
Answer: All the biotic and abiotic factors of an environment. Back to Game Board

11 Levels of Organization for 500
Question: List the levels of organization in order from smallest to biggest Check Your Answer

12 Levels of Organization for 500
Answer: Organism, Populations, Communities, Ecosystems, Biomes, and Biosphere Back to Game Board

13 Succession for 100 Question: In what type of succession in a forest is grass going to be the pioneer species? Check Your Answer

14 Succession for 100 Answer: Secondary Succession Back to Game Board

15 Graphing for 200 Question: What is succession? Check Your Answer

16 Graphing for 200 Answer: changes that occur in an ecosystem or community Back to Game Board

17 Succession for 300 Question: What is the difference in primary and secondary succession? Check Your Answer

18 Succession for 300 Answer: Primary succession happens on exposed surfaces (No Soil) and Secondary succession happens on soil. Back to Game Board

19 Succession for 400 Question: List one reason why primary succession and one reason why secondary succession would occur. Check Your Answer

20 Succession for 400 Answer: Primary Succession: Volcanic Eruption, Glaciers melting Secondary Succession: Fires, Clearing Land for growing, grazing etc. Back to Game Board

21 Succession for 500 Check Your Answer What is the pioneer species?
What is the climax community? What type of succession is this? Check Your Answer

22 Succession for 500 Answer: 1. Pioneer Species Lichen and Moss
2.Climax Community-Forests 3. Primary Succession Back to Game Board

23 Food Chain for 100 Question: Organisms that cannot produce their own food are called? (Use both names) Check Your Answer

24 Food Chain for 100 Answer: Heterotrophs and Consumers
Back to Game Board

25 Food Chain for 200 Question: What do we call organisms who produce their own food and from where do they get their energy? Check Your Answer

26 Food Chain for 200 Answer: Producers and Autotrophs The Sun
Back to Game Board

27 Food Chain for 300 Question: If a rabbit eats grass and the rabbit is eaten by a fox. What is the fox’s trophic level in the food chain? Check Your Answer

28 Food Chain for 300 Answer: Secondary Consumer Back to Game Board

29 Food Chain for 400 Check Your Answer Question:
What is the producer in the food chain? What is the secondary consumer? What is the primary consumer? Check Your Answer

30 Food Chain for 400 Answer: Producer= Leaves Secondary Consumer=Frog
Primary Consumer= Slug Back to Game Board

31 Food Chain for 500 Briefly define the following food chain terms
Herbivore Carnivore Omnivore Decomposer Check Your Answer

32 Food Chain for 500 Back to Game Board
Herbivore- consumer that eats only plants Omnivore- consumer that eats both plants and animals Carnivore- consumer that eats only meat Decomposer- consumer feeds and breaks down dead plants and animals Back to Game Board

33 Food Webs and Pyramids for 100
Question: All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a ________. Check Your Answer

34 Food Webs and Pyramids for 100
Answer: Food Web Back to Game Board

35 Food Webs and Pyramids for 200
Question: What type of pyramid shows the available living tissue at each trophic level? Check Your Answer

36 Food Webs and Pyramids for 200
Answer: Biomass Pyramids Back to Game Board

37 Food Webs and Pyramids for 300
Question: What happens to energy as it goes from the bottom to the top of the pyramid? What happens to biomass as it goes from the bottom to the top of the pyramid? What happens to the numbers of organisms as it goes from the bottom to the top of the pyramid?(General Trends) Check Your Answer

38 Food Webs and Pyramids for 300
Answer: They all decrease as you go from producers to each level of consumers. Back to Game Board

39 Food Webs and Pyramids for 400
Question: List all the primary consumers List all the secondary consumers Check Your Answer

40 Food Webs and Pyramids for 400
Answer: Primary Consumers: Rabbits, Squirrels, Mice, Seed eating Birds, herbivorous insects Secondary Consumers: Foxes, Hawks and Owls, Snakes Spiders, insectivorous birds, and predacious insects Back to Game Board

41 Food Web and Pyramids for 500
Question: Which trophic level has the most energy? What percentage of energy moves on to the next trophic level? What happens to the the energy that is not used for life processes or passed to the next level? Check Your Answer

42 Food Web and Pyramids for 500
Answer: Producer 10% Lost as heat Back to Game Board

43 Cycles/Random for 100 Question: The movement of water from plants into the atmosphere is called? Check Your Answer

44 Cycles/Random for 100 Transpiration Back to Game Board

45 Question: What is nitrogen fixation? Who does it?
Cycles/Random for 200 Question: What is nitrogen fixation? Who does it? Check Your Answer

46 Cycles/Random for 200 Answer: Converting nitrogen gas into a more useable form for plants to use. Bacteria Back to Game Board

47 Cycles/Random For 300 Question: What is the difference in the movement of energy and nutrients? Check Your Answer

48 Answer: Nutrients are recycled Energy flows in one direction
Cycles/Random for 300 Answer: Nutrients are recycled Energy flows in one direction Back to Game Board

49 Check Your Answer Cycles/Random for 400
Question: How is carbon released into the atmosphere? How is carbon removed from the atmosphere? Check Your Answer

50 Back to Game Board Cycles/Random for 400
Answer: Carbon is released by Burning fossil fuels, respiration, weathering and erosion Carbon is removed by photosynthesis and absorption by rock Back to Game Board

51 Question: What is homeostasis?
Cycles/Random for 500 Question: What is homeostasis? List 3 other characteristics of living things. Check Your Answer

52 Back to Game Board Cycles/Random for 500
Answer: Homeostasis is the process by which organisms keep their internal conditions the same or stable. Cells, Reproduce, Evolve, Growth and Development etc. Back to Game Board

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