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Developing new curriculum

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1 Developing new curriculum
Strategic Approach to Planning Organised via 8 Sector Development Groups Market intelligence for each sector SSC data / RES Data GM L4 Skills priorities LSC Data on L3 & L4 provision in GM Identification of progression opportunities Identification of gaps in provision FT/PT/Modular or bridging programmes

2 ASNs Model 2 adopted Process
Used for Fds, CPDs and to create headroom on ANY type of HE programme including HN’s Process Institutions and Sector Development Groups bid for ASNs SPA group consider in light of feedback from Sector Development Groups ASNs allocated through a Strategic Planning Advisory Group

3 Construction, planning and the built environment
LSC Funded Level 3 provision in GM

4 Distribution of part-time Level 3 LSC provision in Construction, planning and the built environment

5 Credit Accumulation & Transfer Scheme and the GMSA ModCAT Project

6 Training / Learning Providers
The Key Players Vocational Learners Part time in work Flexibility Portable units Employers Relevance Flexibility HE / FE Training / Learning Providers Be responsive (Leitch / employers) Maintain Quality The challenge for the LLN is to develop the means by which vocational learners can plan their development beyond Level 3 programmes. The challenge for us was how we could marry the needs of vocational learners, employers and be sure to work within the HE Academic Infrastructure Vocational Learners – lot of PT earn and learn type students, or even FT ones want courses that are relevant to future employment and will develop their skills and knowledge. If PT they particularly want flexibility and also some want to be able to move between institutions whilst having their previous learning recognised. Employers want to be sure that all learning they may sponsor is relevant and delivered flexibly with perhaps some elements able to be tailored to their specific needs Providers – keen to WP but often it is difficult to deliver real flexibility and be responsive because of internal and external constraints such as funding, QA, So for GM the way to meeting the challenge was the GM CATs

7 Potential Solution GMSA Credit Framework 22 6 FECs HEIs
Employers Groups THE GM LLN / GMSA CATs scheme was developed as part of the development phase of the GMSA as it was developing into a LLN A working group was established and a project manager and project consultant appointed to develop a set of detailed proposals for the GM providers and stakeholders. The proposals went through a rigorous consultation process with the members of the LLN BUT ALSO WITH QAA to ensure fit with Burgess work. We have now secured in agreement that we will use the proposals as a basis for taking forward the GM CATs. It is recognised, that this scheme is ambitious and that some issues are not yet resolved but intend to be addressed through a series of pilot projects as the GM LLN moves into the next phase of funding.

8 Credit Accumulation & Transfer
Credit = currency mutual recognition of achievement between partners Facility for learners to accumulate and transfer credit awarded by different institutions towards a larger award Use to improve progression and transfer between providers in GM

9 Partnership with Autonomy
GM LLN CAT scheme HEI 1 HEI 3 HEI 2 In order to address issues around quality and institutional / awarding body autonomy we were keen to develop a scheme where all partners could contribute without having to make major changes to their institutional QA processes and other areas of their institutional infrastructure. The notion was developed of partnership with autonomy The CATs scheme will develop a Unit Bank into which providers will be able to place their units / modules. However, the responsibility for that unit (QA, funding, monitoring review) will remain with the validating insitution HEI 4

10 Various Unit Sizes HEI 1 GM LLN HEI 3 CAT scheme HEI 2 HEI 4
The Unit bank will comprise of units of varying sizes – this means institutions do not have to change their existing modular frameworks We recognise that this also creates challenges for the LLN when accumulating awards into qualifications but we intend to pilot some models to seek ways of resolving this. We feel this is easier than asking institutions to all conform to a standard unit size Lost of questions here about who validates the award – who own s it and funding ……….we have some ideas about how we will address them but not resolved them yet and see pilot activity as the way to do this rather than asking members to ‘sign-up’ to something that is as yet untested

11 Various Partners FEC1 HEI 1 GM LLN FEC2 CAT scheme PP1 HEI 2
As well as Heis – we would see other partners putting units into the unit bank – the validating body will still be the HEI but will come via a franchise route. In this way we are v keen that FECs will be involved since we see local delivery as a key to WP and reaching out to vocational learners Note – we have work based learning providers and other independent training providers able to populate the unit bank via a partnership with a university. This is already happening with Skills Solution and Univ of Bolton

12 Various Modes of Delivery
Negotiated Learning where the learner defines the required curriculum within appropriate parameters WBL CLRM ACTION DSTNCE NEG We would also use the unit bank to be able to offer the flexibility in term of delivery styles to the learners – so that learners may chose their module because of location, or T&L delivery or possibly even price! Because the units that populate the unit bank may be existing modules (delivered within another programme) we would hope that this will address some of the issues around viability and resources. However, some units may be new as part of the new Fd developments using the LLNs ASNs BLNDD

13 What is the GMSA ModCAT project?
Online tool allowing users to view bite-sized, flexible learning options Joins-up bite sized learning to create recognised higher education qualifications Delivered and supported through the GMSA portal Incorporates the work of 2 JISC projects

14 Why ModCAT? External ‘Product’ for managing and facilitating progression through credit transfer Enables small credit rated pieces of HE learning to be packaged in such a way that meet needs of part time learners and their employers Enables the LLN to respond to Leitch Enables the LLNs to contribute to wider national developments around credit transfer QCA NCF (many L3-L4 qualifications within the NQF will have a credit rating) Burgess credit issues group

15 Delivering Progression Opportunities
FD Multimedia (120cr MMU) Cert HE Multimedia (120cr MMU) Uni Cert in Web-design (60cr MMU) Dip HE Web Design (120cr MMU) Intro to Web-design (20cr Salford) Cert HE Web Design (120cr MMU) 40cr CPD in Multimedia (40cr Salford) HND New Media (120cr Salford) HNC New Media (120cr Salford) HND Web Design (120cr Salford)

16 Concept DVD

17 ModCAT Module Catalogue MMU mod Uni Bolton mod Uni Salford mod
Uni Manchester mod Criteria for module entry to catalogue… Module must offer a clear and coherent stand alone learning experience. HEIs and FECs will offer modules into the catalogue, which will be presented to prospective students and employers via a web-portal

18 ModCAT Module Catalogue MMU mod Uni Bolton mod Uni Salford mod
Uni Manchester mod MMU CPD award Uni Bolton CPD award Uni Salford CPD award CPD awards of various sizes will be offered by combining relevant modules. A condition of entry to the Module Catalogue would be that at least one progression route is identified.

19 ModCAT Module Catalogue MMU mod Uni Bolton mod Uni Salford mod
Uni Manchester mod MMU CPD award Uni Bolton CPD award Uni Salford CPD award In cases where one institution has specialist facilities or staff, a unit could be combined with units from other institutions to make a CPD award. Articulation agreements would be used to facilitate this

20 ModCAT Module Catalogue Cert HE MMU mod Uni Bolton mod Uni Salford mod
Uni Manchester mod MMU CPD award Uni Bolton CPD award Uni Salford CPD award Cert HE GMSA Module catalogue will also store data on larger qualifications, in order that a student can be presented with the full range of progression opportunities available from each single unit.

21 ModCAT Module Catalogue FD MMU mod Uni Bolton mod Uni Salford mod
Uni Manchester mod MMU CPD award Uni Bolton CPD award Uni Salford CPD award FD Or in reverse, what modules are available individually from a particular FD etc.

22 Draft QA Timeline & milestones
System for MMU awards within ModCAT Established QA processes for CPD Awards Jan Sept 07 June Sept 08 Established ModCAT MMU Shell Awards Framework Other GM HEIs commitment to GMSA ModCAT awards MMU QA post in place Series of PAs to facilitate credit transfer within MoDCAT

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