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Religion In Society (Max Weber)

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1 Religion In Society (Max Weber)
Social Action Types Weber’s Primary Question Spirit of Capitalism Getting Into Heaven Working Out Your Soul’s Salvation

2 Traditional Action because we’ve always done it Affective Action because it feels good at the time Value Rational Action because doing it that way is “right” Instrumental Rational Action because doing it that way is “best” Social Action Types Why Do We Do Stuff?

3 Weber’s Primary Question
Why would Westerners, as a society, choose these irrational actions: Workers: working hard Entrepreneurs: investing their money over these irrational actions: Workers: working just enough to get by Entrepreneurs: spending their money on big houses and cool vacations Weber’s Primary Question

4 “For the love of money is the root of evil.” (I Timothy 6:10)
Just Make A Lot of Money? “For the love of money is the root of evil.” (I Timothy 6:10) “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust corrupts. Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” (Matthew 6:19,21) “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:25) Spirit of Capitalism

5 Grace is ‘Unmerited Favor” – A Gift
“God says your righteousness isn’t much better than a filthy rag (Isaiah 64:6) The Catholic Way The Protestant Way Follow The Sacraments Work Your Way In Through Good Deeds Follow The Sacraments Work Your Way In Through Good Deeds God Already Picked The People Going Justification Predestination Fear? God’s Dirty Looks Fear? Insecurity Grace is ‘Unmerited Favor” – A Gift Getting Into Heaven

6 Working Out Your Soul’s Salvation
“You gotta have faith.” (George Michael) A primary characteristics of God’s elect is the high level at which they work in their calling God worked and still works hard at His calling: to make a world where His people can flourish God’s elect should work hard at a similar calling: to make a world where God’s people can flourish How Do We Know I’m One Of The Elect? Because I’m working hard at my calling Like All Elect People Do! Lazy People? Hedonists? Procrastinators?

7 BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question
Why would Westerners, as a society, choose these irrational actions: Workers: working hard Entrepreneurs: investing their money over these irrational actions: Workers: working just enough to get by Entrepreneurs: spending their money on big houses and cool vacations BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question

8 BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question
Why would Westerners, as a society, choose these irrational actions: Workers: working hard More money to give to God’s work More money to buy evidence of elect-ness Entrepreneurs: investing their money over these irrational actions: Workers: working just enough to get by Entrepreneurs: spending their money on big houses and cool vacations BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question

9 BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question
Work Ethic Why would Westerners, as a society, choose these irrational actions: Workers: working hard More money to give to God’s work More money to buy evidence of elect-ness Entrepreneurs: investing their money All of my money is evidence of God’s favor I can bless others cause I have the money to over these irrational actions: Workers: working just enough to get by Entrepreneurs: spending their money on big houses and cool vacations BACK TO Weber’s Primary Question

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