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SWD Response Overview NMSZ TTX April 2015

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1 SWD Response Overview NMSZ TTX 21-22 April 2015

2 Command, Control, Communication
NMSZ ROC Exercise SWD-Phase 2A-2B Movements - Phase 2A EQ Activation Trigger at 6.0M, all comms out. SWL LNO to ADEM EOC Provide District LNO to key nodes within AR Provide ESF#3 to FEMA VI RRCC Provide ESF #3 to FEMA IMAT to IOF at Camp Robinson, AR Phase 2B Deploy SWD Forward to Camp Robinson, AR IOF/JFO or SWL (if not impacted) Deploy Mission PRTs AND 249TH to identified Federal ISB locations within AR as directed. Mission – Main effort Personnel accountability Critical CW infrastructure assessments Temporary repairs to FRM infrastructure ISO flood fighting measures Execute ESF #3 ISO FEMA in AR Establish LNOs with USCG MTSRUs in AR Establish situational awareness with MVD operations along Mississippi and Tributaries SWT BPT to assume NRF mission if SWL impacted Specified, Implied and Essential tasks S- Lead Div ISO DOD, FEMA, & USCG in the State of Arkansas. S- Determine status of survivor district and initiate reconstitution. S- Assess and repair CW Infrastructure I- Personnel accountability I- Restore Navigation and Ports. I- Support Cell to ARNORTH MAIN EFFORT OF CONCERN: located on the NE Quad of AR Clear Water Dam Grears Ferry Dam Bull Shoals Dam Norfolk Dam Command, Control, Communication SWD assumes control of NRF response in AR SWL responsible for NRF Mission execution ESF#3 TL/ATL to RRCC/IMAT Determine CW Operations and Navigation Task Force SWF/SWG/SWT mission PRT CW/FRM/PL Response within Civil Boundaries.

3 Transportation routes impacted Air asset availability
NMSZ ROC Exercise SWD-Phase 2A-2B Constraints: Transportation routes impacted Air asset availability Lack of infrastructure and mobility ACI Contract support availability Response personnel endurance Gaps/Concern/Recommendations: C2 platform availability (i.e. DTOS units, office space) Resources limitation for all impacted states. EECCV 9 Designated to St Louis and bypassing Arkansas. Waiting to receiving ECCV from SPK (??)

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