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STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED: 12.4 Students analyze the unique roles and responsibilities of the 3 branches of government. CH 13-SEC 4 LEARNING OBJECTIVES/ GOALS/ SWBAT Describe the role of conventions in the presidential nominating process. Evaluate the importance of presidential primaries. Understand the caucus-convention process. Outline the events that take place during a national convention. Examine the characteristics that determine who is nominated as a presidential candidate.

2 A BULLDOG ALWAYS Commitment Attitude CARES Respect Encouragement Safety

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4 Key Terms Delegates: party members who vote at the convention for the party’s candidate for President and Vice President presidential primary: an election in which a party’s voters choose state delegates to the national convention and/or express a preference for their party’s presidential nomination

5 Additional Key Terms from Section 5
caucus: a closed meeting of party members who select delegates to a national convention platform: a party’s formal statement of principles keynote address: the speech opening a national convention

6 Additional Key Terms winner-take-all: (PRIMARY) contest where the candidate who wins gets all the delegates chosen at the primary proportional representation: (PRIMARY) a system that gives a primary candidate a proportion of delegates equal to their percentage of the vote national convention: a quadrennial meeting where major parties select their presidential ticket

7 The Role of Conventions
Convention Arrangements The convention system has been mainly built by the two major parties in American politics. Party national committees arrange the time and place for their party’s nominating convention.

8 The Role of Conventions
The Apportionment and Selection of Delegates Parties apportion the number of delegates each State will receive based on electoral votes and other factors. Delegates are selected through both presidential primaries and the caucus-convention process.

9 Congressional Caucuses
From presidential candidates were chosen by Congressional caucus Federalists Caucus ANTI-Federalists Caucus

10 Guided Reading The Roles of the Conventions
1. From 1800 to 1824, presidential candidates were chosen by __________. congressional caucus

11 The Role of Conventions
In 1832, National conventions took over Convention delegates are assigned to each state based on the number of electoral votes and the its past support for party candidates.

12 Guided Reading Guided Reading The Roles of the Conventions
In 1832, that system was replaced by the ____________. 2. national convention

13 The Role of Conventions
Convention delegates are assigned to each state based on the number of electoral votes and the its past support for party candidates.




17 Guided Reading Guided Reading The Roles of the Conventions
Today, the Democratic and Republican parties allot each State a number of party delegates based on the State’s electoral vote and _____________. 3. its past voter support for party candidates

18 The Role of Conventions
The selection of convention delegates is primarily a State Law and or political party rules.

19 Guided Reading Guided Reading The Roles of the Conventions
The procedure for selecting delegates in a primary is governed by State laws and/or __________. 4. party rules

20 Presidential Primaries
Does the nominating system allow Americans to choose the best candidates for President? The widely used presidential primary system does force candidates to prove their political abilities before moving on in the nominating process. Whether the current system produces the most skilled candidates remains a matter of debate. 20

21 Primaries narrow the field, usually to the top two candidates

22 In the end… their can be…. only ONE.

23 Presidential Primaries
Depending on the State, a presidential primary is an election in which a party’s voters choose some or all of a State’s party organization’s delegates to their party’s national convention, and/or (2) express a preference among various contenders for their party’s presidential nomination..

24 Guided Reading Presidential Primaries
A State’s presidential primary may either be a process to ____________________ or to indicate ___________________________. 5. choose delegates to the national conventions; express preferences for presidential candidates

25 Presidential Primaries
Winner take all primaries were replaced with proportional representation rule to select delegates. In this system, a proportion of a State’s delegates are chosen to match voter preferences in the primary. More than half of the States hold preference primaries where voters choose their preference for a candidate. Delegates are selected later to match voter preference.

26 Guided Reading Presidential Primaries
Winner-take-all primaries have nearly disappeared in favor of _______________. 6. proportional representation

27 Primary Reform Proposals
Cartoon Question Answer: The cartoon implies that the states of Iowa and New Hampshire have disproportional influence on the presidential nominations due to their early position in the process. What does this cartoon imply about the first state primary and caucus?

28 Critics have suggested that a series of regional primaries or a single national primary would be more efficient than the long, costly State-by-State primary system.

29 Nominating the President
The system of nominating the President is not mentioned in the Constitution and has been created by the two major parties. Each party’s national committee sets the time and place of its national convention. The committees also assign each State party a certain number of convention delegates. In 2008, the Republicans had 2,380 delegates and the Democrats had 4,233 delegates.

30 The Caucus-Convention Process
In those States that do not hold presidential primaries, delegates to the national conventions are chosen in a system of caucuses and conventions. The party’s voters meet in local caucuses where they choose delegates to a local or district convention, where delegates to the State convention are picked. At the State level, and sometimes in the district conventions, delegates to the national convention are chosen.

31 Guided Reading Presidential Primaries
The few States that do not hold primaries choose delegates in ___________ and _______________. 7. caucuses; conventions

32 National Conventions Conventions meet for 3-4 days, organized around many speeches by party leaders, adoption of the party platform, and the keynote address celebrating the party and its candidates. The convention closes with the State delegations voting for the presidential nominee and the nominee’s acceptance speech. Rarely do we have big floor fights

33 The National Convention
Party conventions accomplish three main goals: (1) to officially name the party’s presidential and vice- presidential candidates, (2) to bring the various factions and the leading personalities in the party together in one place for a common purpose, and (3) to adopt the party’s platform—its formal statement of basic principles, stands on major policy matters, and objectives for the campaign and beyond. Chapter 13, Section 4

34 God?

The __________ is the statement of the party’s basic principles. 8. Platform

36 The National Convention
A party’s national convention is the meeting at which delegates vote to pick their presidential and vice- presidential candidates. The Keynote address is the usually given on the first day of the convention. It sets the mode for the convention

37 Talking about Obama's experience

The ___________ is the speech that is usually given on the first day of the convention. 9. keynote address

39 Who is Nominated The overwhelming majority of nominees have been white, male, Protestant, and married.

40 Who is Nominated Women and minorities had not been serious major party candidates until 2008, with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama vying for the Democratic nomination and Obama winning the presidency.

41 Who Is Nominated? Sitting presidents eligible for another term are usually nominated. If an incumbent President wants to seek reelection, his or her nomination is almost guaranteed.

42 Guided Reading Who is Nominated?
An ________ President who wants to run again is usually nominated. 10 Incumbent

43 Who is Nominated? Nominees have almost always held elected office, with governors being the most common nominees.

44 Who Is Nominated? Political experience factors into the nomination process. State governors, the executive officers on the State level, have historically been favored for nomination. U.S. senators also have fared well. Many candidates come from key larger states. Candidates from larger states, such as California, New York, and Ohio, have usually been seen as more electable than candidates from smaller states. Chapter 13, Section 4

45 Guided Reading Who is Nominated?
The greatest number of people who have been nominated for president have previously served as ________________. 11. State governors

46 Race for the Presidency
The race for the presidency begins long before the election. One to four years before the election, potential candidates begin to explore their chances, organize, and raise funds. From January to June of the election year, primaries and caucuses help decide the party’s frontrunner. In August and September, major parties hold conventions, adopt platforms, and nominate their presidential candidate.

47 Race for the Presidency, cont.
From September to November, the presidential candidates hold debates and give speeches. On the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, the voters cast their ballots and choose the president-elect.

48 Guided Reading Reviewing Key Terms Presidential Primary:
a popular vote to either elect some or all of a State's delegates to a national party convention and/or express a preference among the various contenders for a party's nomination

49 Guided Reading Reviewing Key Terms Proportional representation:
allowing a State's delegates to cast votes in proportion to his or her share of the State's primary vote

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