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Who is out there to assist?

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1 Who is out there to assist?
Nairobi, December 2006 Renate Kirsch

2 World Bank Contact the World Bank office,
Entry points are the sector specialists or the country economists or the country director It is ideal if you can make the connection between your PSIA intention and the PRSC because then you can point to the Operational Policy 8.60, which says that any Development Policy Lending Operation (and a PRSC is a certain of DPL) requires a PSIA as an analytical underpinning. Funding would come out of the country team budget

3 UNDP Global Project: Support to country-led PSIA work, designed and implemented by governments Second call for proposal expected to go out in February, UNDP Country Offices:

4 PSIA donor network Initiative for PSIA capacity building in Africa
Funding will probably start mid 2007

5 German Trust Fund for PSIA at the World Bank
Supports a programmatic approach to PSIA and emphasizes anchoring PSIA in partner countries Funding for 2 years to implement a series of PISA per country But World Bank holds funds

6 Bilateral Donors with a high interest to support PSIA type analysis
DfID country teams (contact at HQ Katja Jobes GTZ PSIA project (contact or or NL: entry point via embassies (Contact person at HQ: Floris Blankenberg) Norway, Sweden, Finnland

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