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Funding Science & Supporting Innovation: An Introduction to IDRC

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1 Funding Science & Supporting Innovation: An Introduction to IDRC
David O’Brien, PhD International Development Research Centre IANAS: Science Funding Landscape Guatemala City, July 26-28, 2009 Scope: IDRC’s Mandate and Goals Overview of Program Areas How we fund science & support innovation 24/02/2019

2 What is IDRC Mandate: The Act instructed IDRC: Governance:
“to initiate, encourage, support and conduct research into the problems of the developing regions of the world and into the means for applying and adapting scientific, technical and other knowledge to the economic and social advancement of those regions” The Act instructed IDRC: (a) to enlist the talents of natural and social scientists and technologists; (b) to assist the developing regions build their research capabilities and the innovative skills; (c) to encourage the coordination of research; and (d) to foster cooperation in research between the developed and developing regions for their mutual benefit. Governance: An independent, government funded Crown corporation 24/02/2019

3 Actors: Canadian SBDA Canada Note changes:
Namely dissolution of the National Science Advisor and creation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Council reporting to Minister of Industry 24/02/2019

4 Some Numbers ~450 staff members worldwide
~1 000 research activities are currently active Total 2007/08 revenues: CDN $182 million, of which 82% are appropriations from the Parliament of Canada 2008/09 budgeted program allocations: CDN$170 million 24/02/2019

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6 IDRC Offices Ottawa Cairo New Delhi Dakar Singapore Nairobi Montevideo

7 The Program Areas Environment and Natural Resource Management
Information and Communication Technologies for Development Social and Economic Policy Innovation, Policy and Science 24/02/2019

8 Program Features Problem or Issue-oriented
No pre-determined funding approach Local to global in scope Policy and/or technology impact Ongoing evaluation and project learning Canadian linkages when relevant Partners with research funders when advantageous 24/02/2019

9 The Program Areas Environment and Natural Resource Management
Program units Climate Change Adaptation in Africa Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Environmental Economics Rural Poverty and Environment Urban Poverty and Environment 24/02/2019

10 The Program Areas Information and Communication Technologies for Development Program units Connectivity and Equity in the Americas Acacia: Communities and the Information Society in Africa Pan Asia Networking 24/02/2019

11 The Program Areas Social and Economic Policy Program units
Globalization, Growth and Poverty Peace, Conflict and Development Research for Health Equity Global Health Research Initiative Governance, Equity and Health Research for International Tobacco Control Think Tank Initiative Women’s Rights and Citizenship 24/02/2019

12 The Program Areas Innovation, Policy and Science Program units:
IDRC Challenge Fund Innovation, Technology and Society 24/02/2019

13 Sagasti (2004): Correlation between National S&T Capacity and Development
Sagasti, Francisco (2004), Knowledge and Innovation for Development: The Sisyphus Challenge of the 21st Century. Edward Elgar Publishing Susan E. Cozzens, Kamau Bobb, and Isabel Bortagaray, (2002). “Evaluating the Distributional Consequences of Science and Technology Policies and Programs,” Research Evaluation, 11 (August): , 24/02/2019

14 Supporting the Innovation System: Organizations and Actors
Science and Technology Policy Reviews Academies of Science Science Communication Research Funding Councils 24/02/2019

15 Conclusion: Funding Science / Supporting Innovation
IDRC relies on partners to design, fund and implement supportive Research policies Innovation policies Human resource policies IDRC can complement these efforts by: Funding research including research on science, technology and innovation Supporting science, technology and innovation capacities Promoting linkages between knowledge, technology and production within and across countries 24/02/2019

16 Thank you Federico Burone, Regional Director David O’Brien
Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo - IDRC Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe Avenida Brasil Montevideo, Uruguay Tel:  (598-2) Fax: (598-2) David O’Brien Innovation, Policy and Science 150 Kent St. Ottawa, Canada 24/02/2019

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