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Annual Practice learning review Innovation in practice learning

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1 Annual Practice learning review Innovation in practice learning
Stuart Mulhern – Student social Worker Jane Hindes – Practice Teacher

2 Over view of presentation
Context of placement Identification of practice issue From a student’s perspective Working Together Series Learning Journey Moving forward

3 Pressures on case loads
Context of placement Learning goals Student Final placement Four students Practice teacher Practice development Pressures on case loads Placement setting Child and Family Team

4 Identification of practice issues
Stagnant cases Lack of services Problem Cases escalating Additional pressures on staff Impact Supporting staff to complete work Innovate practice Solution

5 Student’s perspective
Experience of the placement setting, managing a busy caseload and ‘getting through placement’ Finding a more innovative and effective way to practice

6 Working together Objectives: Jane Hindes
The parent/carer will have an increased knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse and the impact on their children The parent/carer will have an increased knowledge and understanding of a protective parent and what is required from them to be protective of their children The parent/carer will have an increased knowledge of safety plans and will have constructed a safety plan relevant to their circumstances The parent/carer will have shared their knowledge and the safety plan with the children in an age appropriate manner This work will support the social worker to complete a more in-depth assessment of the parent/carer’s ability to be protective and contribute towards evidenced based decision making. Jane Hindes

7 Domestic abuse awareness and safety planning Overview of the next 6 weeks
- Introductions - What is domestic abuse and what is a protective parent Week 2: Being a protective parent Week 3: Signs and symptoms of domestic abuse Week 4: Safety planning Week 5: Talking to your children about domestic abuse and keeping safe Week 6: Moving forward Reflection on the last 6 weeks and sharing with others Week 7: Ending and evaluating the work that’s been completed Hints and tips: Parents/carers are more likely to be motivated to complete work if they have a goal in sight and a clear plan on how to get there. Have a discussion with your line manager about what this work is hoping to achieve and ensure that you have a goal you want to work towards. Case closure? Re-starting contact? Jane Hindes

8 Learning journey How? Why? What? (Maclean, 2017)

9 Moving forward Moving into AYE Evidence informed practice
Innovation in practice Better outcomes for children and families Support for staff Evidence informed practice

10 Feedback from the family

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