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Political blind spot?.

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Presentation on theme: "Political blind spot?."— Presentation transcript:

1 political blind spot?

2 Mindful Politics Glimpsing Your Inner World
With Joe Brewer Founder of Cognitive Policy Works November 16, 2008

3 When belief becomes truth
Environment is separate from economy Saddam Hussein linked to 9/11 Regulation hurts markets Government is wasteful “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq Environmental action destroys jobs

4 What do you trust? Who do you trust?

5 Why is it that many people vote against their economic self-interest?
A Common Question: Why is it that many people vote against their economic self-interest?

6 Another Question: Are you part of the “reality-based” community?
(More than one reality?)

7 Getting the Big Picture

8 Making Sense of Things

9 Inhibiting Inconsistencies

10 The Great Political Blind Spot

11 What Can Cognitive Science Offer?
Insights (into ourselves) Perspective (on human behavior) Strategy (creates a road map of obstacles, hazards, alternative routes, etc.) 11

12 Things We Know (That Just Ain’t So) Folk Theory of Mind
Thought is conscious Thought is literal Thought is dispassionate Thought is universal Thought is logical

13 The Political Mind Our minds are constrained and influenced in fundamental ways by the structures of the brains we have, and the physical and social environments we find ourselves immersed in. the bodies we have,

14 Do you really know your own thoughts?

15 Politics on the Brain

16 Framing 101: The Basics Roles Logic and inference Moral values
The “invisible beyond”

17 Frames Everywhere! How do you know what to do when you go to the hospital? Or a restaurant? …a drug store? …thanksgiving dinner? Frames are the understandings, values, ideas, and facts that allow us to understand the world and act in it.

18 Example: Tax Relief Taxes are an affliction! Relief Frame
Various Roles An Affliction The Afflicted Causer of Affliction Reliever of Affliction Moral Attributes Causer of Affliction is bad (villain) The Afflicted is innocent (victim) Reliever of Affliction is good (hero) Time Sequence Past time before affliction Current state of affliction Future state of relief Taxes are an affliction! (central metaphor)

19 Metaphors Abound! Affection is Warmth Intimacy is Closeness
Important is Big Happy is Up Knowing is Seeing 19

20 Life’s a journey. Path to Success Stuck in a rut Getting ahead
Lost your way 20

21 Life’s a container. A vessel An empty void Filled with memories
Overflowing with love 21

22 Canada is a container. Cultural reservoir Imports flow in
A geographic region Exports flow out 22

23 Canada is a family. Send sons and daughters to war Motherland
Founding fathers Protect our children 23

24 Thinking works by association…
…no metaphor acts alone.

25 Think Fast! bird

26 Prototypes Spring to Mind
Which is a grandmother? OR 26

27 Prototypes Spring to Mind
Who is a bachelor? OR 27

28 Prototypes Spring to Mind
Who is a patriot? OR 28

29 Prototypes Spring to Mind
Who is presidential? OR 29

30 There’s a lot going on!

31 “Faculty” View of Mind Reason the “Decider” Judgment the “Assessor”
Will the “Doer” Reason the “Decider” Emotion the “Impulsive”

32 A Political Psyche Alternative

33 Why is it that many people vote against their economic self-interest?
A Common Puzzle: Why is it that many people vote against their economic self-interest? Solution: The wrong idea about human nature

34 Rational Actor Weighs pros and cons Makes conscious choices
Maximizes self-interest

35 Many moral contexts Religion threatened He’s not like me
Democrat is untrustworthy Unsafe against terrorists Murders unborn babies Will take my guns away

36 Success depends on knowing the political mind

37 Let’s talk

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