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28 Sept. 14 – Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall

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1 28 Sept. 14 – Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall
Pt. VII (A) - 11:3-16: The Problem of Headdress in Recognition of His Headship. Pt. VII (B) - 11:17- 34: The Problem of Holiness in Recognition of His Lordship. [Headship in 11:3-16; Lordship in 11: occ. of “head”; 8 occ. of “Lord/Lord’s”]

2 Pt. VIIA - The Problem of Headdress in the Recognition of Headship - Chap. 11:3-16
Or The Principle and Practice of the Observance of Headship at a Public Gathering – The Context & Challenges Pt. VII(B) - The Problem of Holiness in the Recognition of Lordship. Ch. 11:17-34 The Principle and Practice of Orderliness and Holiness at a Public Gathering.

3 Pt. VII (B) - The Principle and Practice of Orderliness and Holiness at a Public Gathering. Chs The Principle: 14:40, 26 Let all things be done decently and in order. Let all things be done unto edifying. The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. 11:17-34 The Problem of Misuse of Gifts. Chs. 12, 13 The Problem of Being Confused in Public Participation. Ch. 14 (v. 26)

4 A.The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. I Cor. 11:17-34
1. The Order to Observe (1) in the Church Leading to the Lord’s Supper. 11:17-22 cf. 28 Let there be no Deviation. 11:17, 20, 22 Let there be (no) Divisions… 11:18 Divisive Christian Conduct }Cf. 1:10, 11 Cf. Divided Personality Cults. } :12 -14 Let there be no heretical Doctrines…11:19 There must be also heresies [sects] among you

5 a. Let there be no Deviation. 11:17 b. Let there be (no) Divisions…
a. Let there be no Deviation. 11:17 b. Let there be (no) Divisions… 11:18 c. Let there be no heretical Doctrines… 11:19 d. Let there be no improper Decorum this is not to eat the Lord's supper... 11:20-22 i. The Place was not right. 11:20 Not to Fit in with an Agape Feast. ii. The Practice was not right – 11:21 Not for Personal Profit. iii. The Purpose was not right. 11:22 No Place/Praise for “Partying”. cf. 11:2, 17 e. Let there be personal Discernment: Examine yourselves… 11:28a, 29-32

6 1. The Order to Observe (1). 11:17-22 2
1. The Order to Observe (1) 11: The Order of the Lord’s Supper as an Ordinance to the Church: 11:23 Received through personal Revelation from the Lord – I have received of the Lord To be Passed on to the Christian Posterity – that which also I delivered unto you Initiated at Passover as a new Institution for the Church – the same night in which He was betrayed Cf. Lk. 22:19, 20 ct. 22:14-18

7 1. The Order to Observe. 11:17-22 2. The Order as an Ordinance: 11:23
3. The Order for the Observance. 11:23-27 Break the Bread :24 i. The Passover Unleavened Bread (Gk. Azymos) Lk. 22:1, 7, 14-18, 19, 20 But the ordinary loaf (Gk. artos) was later used. I Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23; Acts 20:7 ii. The Participation (no ordination): ye 11:24, 26 iii. The Picture (no trans-/con-substantiation): this is My Body, which is (Broken) for you. 11:24

8 3. The Order for the Observance. 11:24-27 a. Break the Bread - 11:24
b. Drink of the Cup This cup is…My Blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me :25 The Contents of the Cup used for the Passover was the fruit of the vine. Lk. 22:18 The Cup is the Confirmation of the new Covenant in My blood. 11:25 cf. Ex. 24:8 All Communicants to drink from the Cup - ye (One cup? Cf. Lk. 22:17b; Contents or Cup?) He took the cup…gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you Mt. 26:27, NKJV

9 The Lord’s Supper in a Camp in India

10 3. The Order for the Observance. a. Break the Bread 11:24; b
3. The Order for the Observance. a. Break the Bread 11:24; b. Drink of the Cup 11:25 c. Show the Lord’s Death : The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper. As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till He come. Its Proclamation: : ye do show the Lord's death till He come – Backward look to Calvary; Forward to His Coming. ii. Its Purpose – Remember and Revere Him.11:24f This do in remembrance of Me

11 c. Show the Lord’s Death -. 11:26 i. Its Proclamation:. 11:26 ii
c. Show the Lord’s Death :26 i. Its Proclamation: 11:26 ii. Its Purpose – Remember and Revere Him iii. Its Pictures (Symbols not Samples). 11:24 iv. Its Participants: This do ye – Those made worthy by the blood and death of the Lord. 11:27-29 v. Its Duration: till He come :26 vi. Its Day: as often… first day of the week? Resurrection Day? 11:26; Acts 20:7; Mt. 28:1 vii. Its Penalty: :27 guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord.

12 1. The Order to Observe (1). 11:17-22 2. The Order as an Ordinance:
1. The Order to Observe (1) 11: The Order as an Ordinance: 11: The Order for the Observance. 11:24-27 4. The Order to Observe (2) [The Preparation] – Examine yourselves… 11:28a, 29-32, NRSV For all who eat and drink without Discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. a. Discern the Body of Christ – this is My body, which is [broken] for you. 11:25, ASV cf. Jn. 19:32f, 36 His Body Bruised for us – I Pet. 2:24 cf. Isa. 53:5 His Body Binding us together. I Cor. 10:16a, 17 The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? Cf. Mt. 5:23f 

13 Its Precaution: not…unto judgment. 11:34
4. The Order to Observe (2)– Examine…11: a. Discern the Body of Christ :25 b. Drink of the cup Discerning the Blood of Christ. 11:28a, (NRSV) For all who eat and drink without Discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. The Discernment needed. 10:16b ii. Do not eat and Drink judgment. 11:29b Its Products: weak, Sickly… many Sleep. 11:30 Its Prevention: judge ourselves… 11:31 Its Purpose: Chastened of the Lord… not be Condemned with the world. 11:32b Its Politeness: tarry one for another. 11:33 Its Precaution: not…unto judgment. 11:34 

14 4. The Order to Observe (2)– Examine…11:28-32
5. The Obligation for the Observance. I Cor. 11:28b Do not be Absent so let him eat…and drink of that cup. 11:28b Cf. The Advice for keeping of the Passover. Num. 9:10-13, (14 cf. Exo. 12:48) 6. The Operation of the Observance. I Cor. Chs. 12, 13 And the rest will I set in order when I come. 11:34c Cf. Chs. 12, 13

15 Next Lord’s Day (14th Sept. 2014)
Pt. III. The Problem of Holiness in the Recognition of Lordship. Chs The Problem of Abuse at the Remembrance Feast. 11:17-34 The Problem of Misuse of Gifts. Chs. 12, 13 The Problem of Being Confused in Public Participation. Ch. 14 (v. 26)

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