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THE FINREP XBRL TAXONOMY Status Update Patrick Amis XBRL 13th International Conference Madrid, 17 May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FINREP XBRL TAXONOMY Status Update Patrick Amis XBRL 13th International Conference Madrid, 17 May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FINREP XBRL TAXONOMY Status Update Patrick Amis XBRL 13th International Conference Madrid, 17 May 2006

2 FINREP Taxonomy – Status Update
Objectives Timetable Process Future Isues

3 IT Expert: Business Experts: Building upon: CORE TEAM Mark Creemers
Giancarlo Pellizzari Jacobo Varela Patrick Amis Building upon: Corep team advances and developments Belgian experience

4 OBJECTIVES Reflect FINREP reporting scheme perfectly
(could be appreciated) Facilitate adoption / adaptation by national banking supervisors in Europe (and possible adaptation by banks) Be consistent with other IFRS related taxonomies => IFRS-GP taxonomy (IASCF)

5 2. TIMETABLE Start of work: End of January 2006 Intermediate versions
=> Yahoo Group => Version 0.24 First working draft for public release => Now! Final version: September 2006? => Some national developments depend on it

6 3. PROCESS Linking with IFRS-GP - Mapping IFRS-GP / FINREP
=> Based on IFRS references included in FINREP => Use of IFRS-GP 2004 (2005 not yet available but Finrep based on bound volume 2005!) - Create missing elements - Reference Linkbase => Check consistency with IFRS-GP - Label Linkbase => Issue of translation in other languages

7 3. PROCESS (continued) 3. FINREP Taxonomy IFRS - References
IFRS - GP Schema file IFRS - Labels FINREP - References FINREP - Labels FINREP Schema file FINREP - Presentation FINREP - Calculation FINREP - Definition

8 3. PROCESS (continued) Issues to consider - Use of dimensions ?
=> dimensions less necessary in FINREP => not in IFRS-GP at the moment => but certain FINREP aspects are good candidates

9 4. FUTURE ISSUES 3. PROCESS (continued) Issues to consider
- Versioning (IFRS-GP) => Keep up with structure/content of IFRS-GP 2005 - Include Formula linkbase? => Calculation linkbase will be limited at the moment - Registration of Finrep / IP issues

10 4. FUTURE ISSUES => Maintenance! - Future developments in XBRL - FINREP and FINREP Taxonomy might be impacted by rapidly evolving IFRS

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