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TIMI Myocardial Perfusion (TMP) Grades Dye strongly persistent

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1 TIMI Myocardial Perfusion (TMP) Grades Dye strongly persistent
TMP Grade 0 or no perfusion of the myocardium was associated with the highest mortality (6.2%). If a stain of the myocardium was present (TMPG 1) , mortality was also high at 5.1%. If dye was strongly persistent at the end of the washout phase (TMPG 2), then mortality was 4.4%. The lowest mortality was observed in those patients with normal TMP grade 3 perfusion where dye was minimally persistent at the end of the washout phase and mortality was only 2.0%. The 4 way p value was p=0.05. Normal ground glass appearance of blush Dye mildly persistent at end of washout Dye strongly persistent at end of washout Gone by next injection Stain present Blush persists on next injection No or minimal blush 6.2% 5.1% Mortality (%) p = 0.05 4.4% 2.0% n = 203 n = 46 n = 79 n = 434 Gibson et al, Circulation 2000

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