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Vocabulary Intro.

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1 Vocabulary Intro

2 shaped The way something is shaped is the form or shape that it takes.
Have you ever seen a home shaped like this? It is curved like a ball. What things in your classroom are square shaped?

3 branches Branches are tree parts that grow from a tree’s trunk.
Tree branches high above the ground are a good home for a sloth. What animals can live in a tree’s branches?

4 pond A pond is a body of water that is smaller than a lake.
Turtles make their home in a pond, or small lake. Have you ever gone swimming in a pond? What was it like?

5 beaks Beaks are the hard, pointed parts of birds’ mouths.
These birds use their beaks to build their home. How do birds use their beaks to find food?

6 deepest If something is the deepest, it is the farthest depth from the surface. The deepest part of the ocean is the eel’s home. What is the deepest hole you have dug in the sand?

7 break If you break something, it comes apart into two or more pieces.
This home won’t break! It is made of strong rock. What happens when you break an egg?

8 hang If something can hang, it is attached to something else at the top and does not touch the ground. These bats hang upside down in their cave. Do icicles hang from your house in the winter?

9 winding If something is winding, it moves one way and then another. Some animal homes have long, winding tunnels that twist and turn. Have you ever walked along a winding path through the woods?

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