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Vocabulary Chapter 4: Lesson 1

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1 Vocabulary Chapter 4: Lesson 1
Litter Topsoil Subsoil Bedrock Erosion Nutrient depletion Fertilizer Desertification Drought Land reclamation

2 Litter The top layer of dead leaves and grass.

3 topsoil Mixture of rock fragments, water, air and decaying animal and plant matter. Ex. This is where the roots absorb the water.

4 subsoil This layer also contains rock fragments and air and water, but it doesn’t as much animal and plant matter.

5 Bedrock The rock that makes up the earth’s crust.

6 erosion The process that water, wind, or ice moves particles or rocks and soil

7 Nutrient depletion Soil becomes less fertile

8 fertilizers Substances that farmers use to put nutrients back into the soil to help crops grow better

9 desertification When a once fertile area becomes depleted of nutrients and moisture, it becomes like a desert

10 drought A period when less rain than normal falls

11 Land reclamation The process of restoring land to a more productive state.

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