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“Absolutism in Europe”

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1 “Absolutism in Europe”
Describe Louis XVI (16th) and Marie Antoinette … Why economic unrest in France? Why were French people upset at the French royal family?

2 Chapter Three – “Absolutism and Revolution”
Absolute monarchies … “Divine Right” … Louis XIV (14th) of France ( ) “The Sun King” … “I am the State” …

3 French Revolution – the Overthrow of the idea of “Divine Right” of kings/queens
[1] God put the world in motion [2] God put some people in positions of power [3] Power is given by God [4] No one can question God [5] No one can question someone put in power by God [6] Questioning the monarchy was blasphemy because it meant questioning God

4 Palace of Versailles Symbol of “Absolute Power” in not just France but Europe




8 “Absolutism in Europe”
Describe Louis XVI (16th) and Marie Antoinette … Why economic unrest in France? Why were French people upset at the French royal family?

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