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Use of administrative registers – the Swedish example

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1 Use of administrative registers – the Swedish example
Learning seminar on YEI Lennart Thörn Swedish ESF Council

2 For which indicators will We use administrative data?
All output indicators regarding participants will be based on register data. No immediate result indicators will be based on register data. Some of the long term result indicators will partly be based on register data.

3 Why have we chosen this solution?
• Reduced administrative burden for beneficiaries • Protection of participants’ privacy • Quality assurance of reported indicators • Relatively low cost for the MA for follow-up and evaluation

4 What makes this solution possible?
• People living in Sweden should be registered in the Swedish population register. And when You registered there You will have a identification number (IN): yyyymmdd-xxx1x2. The IN is the key between the registers and the participant. • Since 2011 all people is registered on an apartment. This makes it now possible to create household data. This was not possible before for people living in apartment blocks as the registration was on the property. Registers of high quality to pick the information from. Even for women and odd for men. Control number.

5 How does it work? Swedish ESF-council Statistics Sweden Projects
Project information Log in-information etc. IN etc. Public employment service Social insurance agency Register on population, education and labour market Register of ESF-participants Indicators

6 How do We work with quality?
Hard controls of files that the project (beneficiaries) upload - Control figure of the IN - missing information - wrong formats - extreme values - internal consistency. Controls of uploaded files at Statistics Sweden - Double counting etc. Controls made by administrators at the Swedish ESF council - Consistency with other sources of participation and activities in the intervention

7 Annex: Slides not shown during the presentation Variables to report and schedule

8 What shall the beneficiaries report the first time for a participant?
Variable Example IN of the patricipant Start date Target group of the participant 1. Priority 1 2. Priority 2 PO 1 Participant assigned from 1 = PES 2 = SIA 3 = Primary municipality 4 = Secondary municipality 5 = other or unknown 2

9 What shall the beneficiaries report the monthly for a participant?
Variable Example Number of hours during the month 80

10 What shall the beneficiaries report the last time for a participant?
Variable Example Leaving date Reason the for leaving 1= Completed the operation 2= Work 3 = Studies 4 = interrupted the operation 5 = Other reason 1 Has the participant gained a qualification? Yes No Yes The status of the participant when leaving 1 = Working as employed 2 = Working as self-employed 3 = Student 4 = apprentice 5 = obtain practical experience 6 = Job searching 7 = Other

11 What shall the beneficiaries report the last time for a participant
What shall the beneficiaries report the last time for a participant? Continued Variable Example The condition of the employment 1= Permanent employment 2 = Time limited employment 3 = Unknown 2 Scope of the employment 1 = Full time 2 = Part time 3 = Unknown adress mobile phone 07xxxyyyzz

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