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Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Closing Report Nov02]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Closing Report Nov02]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Closing Report Nov02] Date Submitted: [15November02] Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola] Address [1303 E. Golf Road, Schuamburg, IL 60196] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [02424r0P802-15_TG3-November02-Meeting-Objective-and-Agenda.xls] Abstract: [TG3 Chair Report to WG] Purpose: [TG3 chair report to WG to update them on work completed in Kauai.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by March 2002 doc.: IEEE /096r0 November 2002 Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

2 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks
March 2002 doc.: IEEE /096r0 November 2002 802.15 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks TG3 Closing Report November 2002, Kauai Hawaii Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

3 Agenda Goals of November Meeting Letter Ballot Status
March 2002 doc.: IEEE /096r0 November 2002 Agenda Goals of November Meeting Letter Ballot Status Motion to forward to Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot Resolution Committee Goals for January Meeting Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

4 Goals of the November Meeting
March 2002 doc.: IEEE /096r0 November 2002 Goals of the November Meeting Conference call status, including approval of any ad hoc business LB22 comment resolution Update draft as required Prepare for ballot recirculation (if required) Gain approval to move to sponsor ballot Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola John Barr, Motorola

5 LB12 Comment Resolution Results
November 2002 LB12 Comment Resolution Results 75 out of 89 voters returned a ballot 41 voted yes (66.1 %) 21 voted no (33.9 %) 4 abstained (6.1 % of total votes) 69 resolved yes (97 %) 2 unsatisfied resolution (2.8 %) Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

6 November 2002 LB12 No Voter Status Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

7 LB17 Comment Resolution Results
November 2002 LB17 Comment Resolution Results LB17 Ballot - Yes-64/No-9/Abstain-2 – 88% BRC meeting in Schaumburg, August 6-8 LB17 Passed – 91.2% Yes-67/No-6/Abstain-2 02273r18 – Comment Resolution Record 02334r7 – Security Comment Resolution Record Technical – 131 Technical Required - 444 Editorial – 622 02299r17 – WG-LB17 Comment Resolution DBase D11 Created for Recirculation Ballot (LB19) Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

8 November 2002 LB17 Comment Status Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

9 LB19 Comment Resolution Results
November 2002 LB19 Comment Resolution Results LB19 Ballot - Yes-66/No-8/Abstain-1 – 89.2% BRC meeting in San Diego, October 7-9 LB19 Passed – 94.6% Yes-70/No-4/Abstain-1 02392r16 – Comment Resolution Record 02399r4 – Security Comment Resolution Record Technical – 72 Technical Required - 326 Editorial – 153 02299r18 – WG-LB18 Comment Resolution DBase D14 Created for Recirculation Ballot (LB22) Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

10 November 2002 LB19 Comment Status Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

11 LB22 Comment Resolution Results
November 2002 LB22 Comment Resolution Results LB22 Ballot - Yes-66/No-8/Abstain-1 – 89.2% Comment Resolution IEEE 802 Hawaii LB22 Passed – 94.6 % Yes-70/No-4/Abstain-1 02457r2 – Comment Resolution Record Technical – 24 Technical Required – 62 (11 + 2(LB19) unsatisfied) Editorial – 159 02458r5 – WG-LB22 Comment Resolution DBase D15 Being Prepared for Sponsor Ballot Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

12 November 2002 LB22 Comment Status Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

13 Sponsor Ballot Support
November 2002 Sponsor Ballot Support Sponsor Ballot Resolution Committee Chair, James Gilb Vice Chair, John Barr Members: Jim Allen, Allen Heberling, Bill Shvodian, Mark Schrader, Dan Bailey, Rene Struik, Gregg Rasor, Knut Odman, Jay Bain, Jeyhan Karaoguz Motion Internal – No objections, passed by unanimous consent. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

14 Motion to the Task Group
November 2002 Motion to the Task Group Move to seek approval from the WG to seek approval from the SEC to forward IEEE P Draft D15 to Sponsor Ballot. Mover: James Gilb Second: Al Heberling No Objections – Passed by unanimous consent. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

15 Motion to the Working Group
November 2002 Motion to the Working Group Move to seek approval from the SEC to forward IEEE P Draft D15 to Sponsor Ballot. Mover: James Gilb Second: John Barr For – 38 Against – 0 Abstain – 4 Motion Passes Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

16 LB12 – LB22 - Resolution Comparison
November 2002 LB12 – LB22 - Resolution Comparison Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

17 November 2002 Final LB Summary 95% approval on LB22 (D14) with no new no votes and no technical changes to the draft. (Yes 70/No 4/Abstain 1) 84% participation (75 of 89 eligible voters) 13 unsatisfied TR comments from 4 voters No unsatisfied TR comments from a new voter Other than power management, all other unsatisfied comments are from a single voter who has not participated in IEEE meetings since January 2002. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

18 Unsatisfied TRs Mandatory power management (6) (three voters)
November 2002 Unsatisfied TRs Mandatory power management (6) (three voters) Single SPS set instead of four. Agree on technical implementation. Disagree on number of supported instances. Miscellaneous comments from a single voter: Optional slotted Aloha for MCTAs (2) Option for efficiency and alternate PHY support Editorial change of GTS to CTA (1) Force even byte alignment of IEs in frames (1) Remove spreading of IEs over multiple beacons (1) Reduces beacon size during transition periods Remove ASIE (1) Make MIFS & SIFS identical (1) Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

19 November 2002 Motion to the SEC Move to seek approval to forward IEEE P Draft D15 to Sponsor Ballot. Mover: Bob Heile Second: Stuart Kerry Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

20 November 2002 Goals for January Conference call status, including approval of any ad hoc business. Sponsor ballot comment resolution. Update draft as required. Approve sponsor ballot recirculation. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

21 Publicity Committee Input
November 2002 Publicity Committee Input Final working group letter ballot had 95% approval after comment resolution. IEEE draft standard approved for sponsor ballot. Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

22 Over the Edge to Sponsor Ballot
November 2002 Over the Edge to Sponsor Ballot © William M. Shvodian Dr. John R. Barr, Motorola

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