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This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational.

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2 This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational purposes. The information is not version controlled and as such is subject to change without notice. Vault does not accept any responsibility or obligation to inform users of this presentation of such changes. This includes any copies of this presentation taken and modified outside of the Vault domain. [DISCLAIMER]

3 ‘Plant / Equipment Register’
[Update Maintenance] Plant / Equipment Maintenance Updating the Maintenance record for a Plant or Equipment item is managed via the Item’s record in the Plant and Equipment Register This is found under Assets in the Menu Bar ‘Plant / Equipment Register’

4 [Update Maintenance] Edit Item
Locate the item in the Register, then click Actions, then Edit

5 [Update Maintenance] Maintenance Tab
Click on the Maintenance tab The register displays all currently-recorded Maintenance types, together with the next due date and currency status for each one Available statuses are: ‘All OK’ - meaning the maintenance schedule is up-to-date ‘>1 month’ - meaning the maintenance is current but will expire less than one month from today And ‘Expired’ - meaning the next maintenance instance is overdue.

6 [Update Maintenance] Select Maintenance Type
Locate the type being updated, and click Actions, then Edit

7 [Update Maintenance] Add Maintenance Instance
All instances of the selected type are now displayed in a register To add a new instance of the selected maintenance type, click Add

8 [Update Maintenance] Add Maintenance Instance
Enter the date of the maintenance instance Vault will calculate and display the due date for the next instance in the field below Enter the name of the company or employee that carried out the maintenance, along with any relevant comments

9 [Update Maintenance] Add Maintenance Instance
To attach a copy of any related files such as a maintenance report or receipt, click Attach File and locate the file on your computer Vault will store a copy Then, click Save Schedule

10 [Update Maintenance] Instance Recorded
The added instance has now been recorded and is visible in the maintenance schedule for this particular maintenance type Click Save Maintenance to return to the Maintenance Register

11 [Update Maintenance] Instance Recorded cont.
The overall Maintenance Register now reflects the added instance and displays the due date for the next instance, and a status of 'All OK' in green

12 [Update Maintenance] Add New Maintenance Type
If the maintenance event type being added is not currently displayed in the Register, click Add

13 [Update Maintenance] Add New Maintenance Type Details
Select how often the maintenance type is required, and a description Then, click Add and supply the maintenance details as before Once all details have been added, click Save Maintenance The maintenance details have now been saved

14 [Update Maintenance] New Maintenance Type and Instance Saved
Click Save Company Plant to return to the Plant and Equipment Register Those responsible for maintenance currency will receive an escalation from Vault when the expiry nears, provided this has been enabled in Vault Settings


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