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Supporting Men who’ve been Victimized:

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Men who’ve been Victimized:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Men who’ve been Victimized:
Gender Transformative Approaches to Helping men heal Rus Ervin Funk Coordinator of Men’s Engagement

2 Some Starting Points… Understanding Masculinities
Exploring where men are in relation to masculinities Understanding the “gender-based” nature of IPV and SV Men’s experiences of being victimized Offering support

3 Hegemonic Masculinity
Defining The notion that there exists “a way” to be a man Those qualities that are most honored and desired How its operationalized Configured in gender relations Institutionalized within social structures Defined negatively (“not feminine”) Subordinated masculinities (often feminized)

4 Masculinities How males come to understand ourSelves as “Men” is culturally and socially constructed. This self-definition is at the intersection of our other identities. Within a meta-definition of manhood How these messages and lessons impact on men’s response to loved ones being raped

5 Being a “Man” What’s Done to Men What Men are Called “Man Up”

6 Unpacking the manhood box
Lessons learned About manhood About relating to women and girls Forces enforcing the manhood box across the social ecology Benefits of staying “in the box”

7 Social Ecology Socio-Cultural Community (Customs, laws, beliefs)
Organizational (Practices) Intrapersonal (Attitudes) X Relational (Behaviors) Community (Norms) X Socio-Cultural (Customs, laws, beliefs)

8 Becoming a “man” Developmental stages of “being a man” Babies Toddlers
Early school age Middle school High school

9 Intersectional Theory
“Our identity, how we come to understand or define ourselves, is at the intersection of various categories of identity (race/ethnicity, sexual/affectional orientation, gender, etc.) at a given moment in a particular context.” (Funk, 2007, based on Crenshaw, 2001)

10 Men’s relationships to Masculinities
Hegemonic masculinity is neither most common nor the most comfortable Hegemonic masculinity as contested space The ways men navigate within and around hegemonic masculinity Hegemonic and subordinated masculinities Men’s experiences of when and how to step out of the box



13 Gendered nature of men’s violence
Dynamics of sexual assault and IPV Who women fear Who men fear Impact of women’s fear on women’s lives Q = “what do you do to protect yourself?

14 Gendered Nature of Gender- Based Violence
Women and Men appear to hit each other mutually but… How men and women hit Why men and women hit Men and Women’s experiences of being hit Sexual assault within relationships Reproductive health sabotage Post relationship abuse Verbalizations during abuse 14

15 What do you do to protect yourself…

16 Notice what we know… How often are boys men afraid of girls and women?
What do boys and men think about when they think about dating someone new… What do girls and women think about when they think about dating someone new… Boys and men’s responses to being hit by a girl or woman. Girls and women’s responses to being hit by a boy or man. 16

17 Marginalized Masculinities Subordinated Masculinities
Gender Hierarchy Hegemonic Masculinity Allied Masculinities Marginalized Masculinities Subordinated Masculinities Feminities Sara Meger (2015)

18 Dynamics of Sexual Assault
Men who rape tend to talk while they rape. It exposes that they understand rape to be a sexist assault Male physiology and physiological responses to aspects of the assault. What “being a man” teaches men about being sexually victimized.

19 Dynamics of Male Sexual Assault
Men perpetrate about 86% of male rape Boys/men more likely than girls to be abused by strangers. Boys and men experience more forms of violence associated with the assault than women. As males age, the likelihood of multiple aggressors increases.

20 “But this isn’t supposed to happen to men”
How he understands himself “as a man” Influenced by he understands himself “as a man” prior to the assault(s) “real men” don’t allow themselves to be abused “real men” don’t acknowledge pain “real men” don’t ask for help or seek support

21 Impacts Inability to Label the experience Questioning sexuality
Shame/self-blame Fear Confusion Anger

22 Implications for Advocacy
People experience GBV at the intersections: Their multiple identities Their identities and the identities of the other person Their identities and the various systems they come into contact with Male’s interact with their loved ones through these intersections Male’s interact with support systems through these intersections

23 Supporting men in these moments
Listen actively Recognize/identify feelings Anger Frustration Sadness Re-direct

24 How Men Typically Respond
Protective Self-blame Shame Anger Questioning Confusion Eroticization of the assault and of her/his response The need to “fix” it

25 How men “know” to respond
Refer to the manhood box… Acknowledge the pain Asking for help/support Self-advocate Accept advocacy

26 Gender Transformative Approach
Challenges and redefine gender norms Intersectional approach Addresses structural gender inequities Use culturally-appropriate and positive messages Engage boys as assets, part of solution, Engage girls as assets, leaders, not as victims or bystanders Synchronize work with boys and girls, together or separately as needed

27 G.T. Approach with Men Within yourself:
Recognize that traditional masculinity is toxic Identify your own biases about male gender norms Examine how race and other identities intersect with your male gender ideals

28 GT Approach with Men (II)
Provide a framework for understanding that was done to them Explore what it means for them to “be a man” Identify opportunities to re-define “manhood” Support a flexible and nuanced definition

29 Thank-you! (502)

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