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Delaware School Survey County Trend Charts New Castle County

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1 Delaware School Survey County Trend Charts New Castle County
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice University of Delaware

2 Summary of the Delaware School Survey (DSS)
The DSS is an annual survey of 5th, 8th, and 11th grade public school students in Delaware. The survey is used to estimate​ students attitudes and experiences with tobacco, drugs, alcohol, bullying, depression, and a variety of issues facing Delaware's youth.  2018 New Castle County sample size was: 5th Grade – 3,561 students 8th Grade- 3,134 students 11th Grade- 2,415 students New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

3 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported alcohol use in the past 30 days by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

4 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported binge alcohol use in the past two weeks by grade, 1999-Present Note: Measured by “Had 3 alcoholic drinks or more in a row in past 2 weeks” New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

5 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' perceived "great risk"” of alcohol use by grade, 1999-Present Note: Question was not asked in 2018 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

6 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' perceived "great risk" of binge alcohol use by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

7 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported cigarette use in the past 30 days by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

8 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
Perceived “great risk” in Smoking a Pack of Cigarettes Daily, by grade, 1999-Present Note: Answer option is “a lot of risk” and not great risk for 5th graders New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

9 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported marijuana use in the past 30 days by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

10 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' perceived "great risk" in smoking marijuana regularly by grade, 1999-Present Note: Answer option is “a lot of risk” and not great risk for 5th graders New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

11 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' reporting feeling safe in school by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

12 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' reporting fighting/ violence is a problem in school by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

13 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' reporting taking a weapon to school in the past year by grade, 1999-Present Use the variable takewep NOT WEAPON New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

14 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported prescription upper use in the past year by grade, 2007-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

15 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported downer use in the past year by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

16 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported hallucinogen use in the past year by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

17 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported heroin use in the past year by grade, 1999-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

18 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported crack or cocaine use in the past year by grade, 2005-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

19 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported pain killer use in the past year by grade, 2002-Present Note: Question first asked in 2002 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

20 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported steroid use in the past year by grade, 2008-Present Note: Question first asked in 2008 New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

21 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported ADHD medicine use in the past year by grade, 2002-Present Note: Question first asked in 2002 and 2003 for 5th graders New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

22 Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018
New Castle County students' self reported over the counter drugs use in the past year by grade, 2008-Present New Castle County Center for Drug & Health Studies, 2018

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