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Handling Asynchronous REST Operations

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1 Handling Asynchronous REST Operations
임형준 충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과 데이터베이스시스템연구실 2019년 2월 24일 일요일

2 Table of Contents REST(REpresentation State Transfer)
State Transition Caching Asynchronous REST Operations(Paper) REST vs SOAP Example REST Requests RESTful Web service

3 REST REpresentation State Transfer
Create applications based on well designed URLs Take advantage of web caching Migrate toward Resource-Oriented Computing (ROC) Resource Client Boeing747.html Fuel requirements Maintenance schedule ... The Client references a Web resource using a URL. A representation of the resource is returned (in this case as an HTML document). The representation (e.g., Boeing747.html) places the client application in a state. The result of the client traversing a hyperlink in Boeing747.html is another resource is accessed. The new representation places the client application into yet another state. Thus, the client application changes (transfers) state with each resource representation --> Representation State Transfer!

4 Example: Airline Reservation Service
Suppose that an airline wants to create a telephone reservation(Web based reservation) system for customers to call in and make flight reservations The airline wants to ensure that its premier members get immediate service, its frequent flyer members get expedited service and all others get regular service There are two main approaches to implementing the reservation service Approach 1: One-Stop Shopping Approach 2: X are Cheap!

5 Approach 1: One-Stop Shopping
Premier Members Frequent Flyer Members Regular Members Airline Reservations Answering Machine Premier Customer Representative F.F. Regular Premier Members Frequent Flyer Members Regular Members Web Reservation Service Determine Priority Premier Customer F.F. Regular client Approach 1 Disadvantages There is currently no industry accepted practice (rules) for expressing priorities, so rules would need to be made. The clients must learn the rule, and the Web service application must be written to understand the rule. This approach is based upon the incorrect assumption that a URL is "expensive" and that their use must be rationed. The Web service is a central point of failure. It is a bottleneck. Load balancing is a challenge. It violates Tim Berners-Lee Web Design, Axiom 0 (see next slide).

6 Web Design, Axiom 0 Tim Berners-Lee, director of W3C
Axiom 0: all resources on the Web must be uniquely identified with a URI resource1 URL1 resource2 URL2 resource3 URL3

7 Approach 2: X are Cheap! Different Telephone Number Different URLs
Premier Members Frequent Flyer Members Regular Members 1-800-Premier Premier Customer Representative F.F. Regular 1-800-Frequent 1-800-Reservation Different Telephone Number Premier Member Reservation Service Different URLs client Premier Members Frequent Flyer Reservation Service Approach 2 Advantages The different URLs are discoverable by search engines and UDDI registries. It's easy to understand what each service does simply by examining the URL, i.e., it exploits the Principle of Least Surprise. There is no need to introduce rules. Priorities are elevated to the level of a URL. "What you see is what you get." It's easy to implement high priority - simply assign a fast machine at the premier member URL. There is no bottleneck. There is no central point of failure. Consistent with Axiom 0. client Frequent Flyer Members Regular Member Reservation Service client Regular Members

8 REST in One Slide Resources Names Representations Verbs (URI, XRI, …)
[Resources have Names] Names Verbs Representations Resources (CRUD, …) (HTML, XML, …) (URI, XRI, …) [Everything is a Resources] Customers Locations Items [Resources have REPRESENTATIONS] HTML: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, … XML: text/xml, application/atom+xml, … Binary: image/png, application/pdf, … [Resources support simple VERBS] Create, Read, Update, Delete POST, GET, PUT, DELETE

9 REST Concept XML JSON XML JSON Resources Res 1 URL VERB Res 2 GET

10 The REST way of Implementing the Web Services
Response (HTML/XML doc) Web Server HTTP GET request URL 1 HTTP response URL 2 HTTP POST URL 3 URL to submitted PO PO (HTML/XML) Parts List Part

11 Data Returned - Parts List
<?xml version="1.0"?> <p:Parts xmlns:p=" xmlns:xlink=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation= " <Part id="00345" xlink:href=" <Part id="00346" xlink:href=" <Part id="00347" xlink:href=" <Part id="00348" xlink:href=" </p:Parts> Note that the parts list has links to get detailed info about each part. This is a key feature of REST. The client transfers from one state to the next by examining and choosing from among the alternative URLs in the response document.

12 State Transitions Let us consider a client application as a state machine - each resource representation that it receives causes it to transition to the next state S0 S1 Receive Resource 1 Representation S2 Receive Resource 2 ... State Transition Diagram for a Client Application

13 State Transitions in a REST-based Network
Receive Resource 1 Representation S2a S2b S2c 2a 2b 2c Receive Resource 2a 3a 3b S3a S3b Receive Resource 3b 4a 4b 4c Each resource representation contains hyperlinks. Following a hyperlink takes the client to the next state. Thus, within the resource representations themselves are pointers to the next states Each resource representation contains hyperlinks. Following a hyperlink takes the client to the next state. Thus, within the resource representations themselves are pointers to the next states

14 Caching In a network-based application it is ofterntimes the communications which are the bottleneck Web Server Resource 1 Cache “I have a copy in my cache. Here it is.” 2a 2b 2c The cache shortens the distance that the client must go to get the data, thus speeding up the request.

15 REST and Caching (cont.)
The results of a resource request contains an indication in the HTTP header of whether these results are cacheable (and when the data will become stale) If the HTTP header says that it is cacheable, then cache servers can make a local copy Later, if a client requests the same resource then the client can return a cached copy Cache Server Desired resource Method = GET Forward request Return cached copy

16 Handling Asynchronous REST Operations

17 Handling Asynchronous REST Operations
In a RESTful context, how do you handle state-changing operations (POST, PUT, DELETE) which have substantial and unpredictable latency? Resource-based approach Comet style implementation Web hooks

18 Resource-based Approach
A new "Status" resource model..., with the following fields: "uri" - URI upon which the client may perform GET operations to poll for completion. Each accepted asynchronous operation will receive a unique status URI, so that multiple operations may be initiated and tracked at once "status" - Integer code describing the completion status (0=success, nonzero=error code), returned only when "progress" returns 100 "message" - Message suitable for reporting completion status to a human user, returned only when "progress" returns 100 "progress" - Integer percent completed indicator, which MUST return 100 only when the operation has been completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully) This resource object can be used as follows: For any and all PUT/POST/DELETE operations, we return "202 In progress" and a "Status" resource, ... designed to give a hook that implementers can make cheap to poll

19 Resource-based Approach
GET polling 1 uri1 2 uri2 3 uri3 4 uri4 100 uri100 uri0 progress uri 0(success) or nonzero(error code) status Message suitable for reporting completion status message

20 Comet Style Implementation
Keeping the HTTP channel open for the duration of a long running request Initial response MUST have HTTP status 202 ("Accepted"),... and entity body containing the initial Status resource for this operation. In the status resource, the "uri" and "progress" fields MUST be populated, and the "progress" field MUST contain a value of 0 indicating that the operation is beginning The URI value returned in the initial response MUST respond to GET requests by returning an updated version of the Status resource. Typically, the "progress" field will be increased towards 100, but MUST NOT be set to 100 until the operation completes When the operation has completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully), a "final" representation of the Status resource MUST be returned, with a "progress" field set to 100, and a "status" field set to 0 (for successful completion) or a non-zero value for unsuccessful completion

21 Comet Style Implementation
0(beginning) 100(final) uri uri100 202(Accept) 0 or nonzero 서비스 서비스 이용자 HTTP Channel progress uri status

22 Web hooks Using two independent "one-way" invocations - one to start a long-running operation and the other one to notify a requester that it is completed The inbound representation of the operation request MAY contain a "webhook" field, whose value is a URI where the client expects a callback. If this field is not present, no webhook callback will be performed When the operation has completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully), the server will perform a POST request to the webhook URI, with... an entity body containing the final Status resource for this operation Client can match a completion report back to the original request by comparing the "uri" field value to the one returned in the initial Status response, or by providing unique webhook URIs for each asynchronous request


24 The REST way of Implementing the Web Services
Response (HTML/XML doc) Web Server HTTP GET request URL 1 HTTP response URL 2 HTTP POST URL 3 URL to submitted PO PO (HTML/XML) Parts List Part

25 Data Returned - Parts List
<?xml version="1.0"?> <p:Parts xmlns:p=" xmlns:xlink=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation= " <Part id="00345" xlink:href=" <Part id="00346" xlink:href=" <Part id="00347" xlink:href=" <Part id="00348" xlink:href=" </p:Parts> Note that the parts list has links to get detailed info about each part. This is a key feature of REST. The client transfers from one state to the next by examining and choosing from among the alternative URLs in the response document.

26 Implementing the Web Services using SOAP
Request (XML doc) Response Web Server SOAP envelope HTTP POST URL 1 HTTP Response getPartsList() getPart(id) SOAP Server PO submit(PO) Note the use of the same URL (URL 1) for all transactions. The SOAP Server parses the SOAP message to determine which method to invoke. All SOAP messages are sent using an HTTP POST.

27 Note about the SOAP URI SOAP Server
It is not a SOAP requirement all messages be funneled to the same URL: URL 1 SOAP Server HTTP POST getPartsList() getPart(id) submit(PO) However, it is common among SOAP vendors to follow this practice. For example, here is the URL for all requests when using Apache SOAP: [host]/soap/servlet/messagerouter

28 Implementing the Web Service using SOAP
Service: Get a list of parts The client creates a SOAP document that specifies the procedure desired <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" <soap:Body> <p:getPartsList xmlns:p=" </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Then the client will HTTP POST this document to the SOAP server at: The SOAP server takes a quick peek into this document to determine what procedure to invoke.

29 Data Returned - Parts List
<?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" <soap:Body> <p:getPartsListResponse xmlns:p=" <Parts> <Part-ID>00345<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00346<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00347<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00348<Part-ID> </Parts> <p:getPartsListResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> Note the absence of links. Why is this? A URL that points to a SOAP service is meaningless since the URL to a SOAP service is just to the SOAP server. Thus, the URL would need to be supplemented with some indication of which method to invoke at that URL. [Note: of course this response could contain a URL to a REST-ful service.]

30 State Transitions in a SOAP-based Network
Receive SOAP from Application 1 S2a S2b S2c from Application 2a S3a S3b from Application 3b In a pure SOAP system each SOAP message will be just data, no hyperlinks. Consequently, the decision on which resource to access next must be made out-of-band.

31 Why don't SOAP Documents Contain Hyperlinks?
In a pure SOAP system, that is where all accesses are to SOAP-based Web services, then each SOAP document will be an island The reason for this is simple: with SOAP a URL is meaningless by itself. The URL just points to a SOAP server. To be useful the URL must be accompanied by the SOAP message

32 Processing the Request/Response Payload
With both REST and SOAP you need prior agreement on the semantics of the data <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" <soap:Body> <p:getPartsListResponse xmlns:p=" <Parts> <Part-ID>00345<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00346<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00347<Part-ID> <Part-ID>00348<Part-ID> </Parts> <p:getPartsListResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> <?xml version="1.0"?> <p:Parts xmlns:p=" xmlns:xlink=" xmlns:xsi=" xsi:schemaLocation= " <Part id="00345" xlink:href=" <Part id="00346" xlink:href=" <Part id="00347" xlink:href=" <Part id="00348" xlink:href=" </p:Parts> Note: if the payload is in the format of RDF or DAML then the client application may be able to dynamically learn the meaning of the response data. As we saw earlier, with REST there are links to the next state built within each response. We hinted earlier at how a client application may be able to reason dynamically about which link to traverse. Thus, dynamic learning of response data combined with dynamic reasoning of link traversals would yield a self-reasoning automata. This is the next step of the Web! With both REST and SOAP client applications will need to understand these responses.

33 Conclusion REpresentational State Transfer In a nutshell;
Server-side resources identified by a URI Access is over HTTP, verb tied to action GET to read the value of a resource POST to create a new resource PUT to update an existing resource DELETE to delete a resource Returned data is “plain” – XML or JSON Asynchronous REST Operations Resource-based approach Comet style implementation Web hooks

34 References Handling Asynchronous REST Operations, InfoQ, Boris Lublinsky, Slow REST, ongoing, 5-Minute Introduction to REST, Roger L. Costello, Timothy D. Kehoe, xFront Introduction to REST, Steve Bjorg, mindtouch, May, 2007 REST(Representational State Transfer), Roger L. Costello, XML Technology Course Example REST Requests, Amazon Product Advertising API, A RESTful Web service, an example, Paul James,

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