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Steve Harris & Mark Totten 2/24/2019

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Harris & Mark Totten 2/24/2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Harris & Mark Totten 2/24/2019
Rules of Graphing Steve Harris & Mark Totten 2/24/2019

2 Mr. H’s & Mr. T’s 10 Commandments of Graphing
Thou Shall...Put name, date and hour on graph. Thou Shall...Have a two part title. Thou Shall... Leave space to write between X and Y axis and edge of paper. Thou Shall... Make graph as big as possible Thou Shall... Clearly use a two part label for the X and Y axis.

3 Thou Shall... Have a key when graphing more than one data series.
Thou Shall...Not have naked numbers. Thou Shall... Use different colors and symbols when graphing more than one data series. Thou Shall... Have a key when graphing more than one data series. Thou Shall... Use a ruler when connecting data points. Thou Shall... Turn your work in on time wrinkle free and with no stray marks!

4 Let’s Make a sample graph!!

5 Name Date Hour

6 Name Date Hour

7 Name Date Hour 5 4 3 2 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy

8 Name Date Hour 5 4 3 2 Time 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students

9 Time in (minutes) Students by (names) Name Date Hour 5 4 3 2 1 Lisa
Jack Mark Wendy Students by (names)

10 Time (minutes) Students (names) Name Date Hour 5 4 3 2 1 Lisa Jack
Mark Wendy Students (names)

11 Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt
Graph 1: Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt Name Date Hour 5 4 3 Time (minutes) 2 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students (names)

12 Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt
Graph 1: Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt Name Date Hour 5 4 3 Time (minutes) 2 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students (names)

13 Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt
Graph 1: Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt Name Date Hour Key 5 4 3 Time (minutes) 2 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students (names)

14 Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt
Graph 1: Recovery Time from Oxygen Debt Name Date Hour Key 5 Jack Wendy 4 Lisa Mark 3 Time (minutes) 2 1 Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students (names)

15 A+ GREAT JOB! YOU’RE THE BEST!! Graph 1: Recovery Time Key
from Oxygen Debt Name Date Hour Key 5min Jack YOU’RE THE BEST!! Wendy 4min Lisa Mark GREAT JOB! 3min Time (minutes) 2min 1min A+ Lisa Jack Mark Wendy Students (names)





20 Assignment. Following the rules of graphing construct a graph of the growth of your dinosaur data.

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