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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200
Trade Europe The New World Exploration Miscellaneous Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Trade This was the first European nation to “dominate” trade in the Indian Ocean Trade Network

3 $100 Answer from Trade Portugal

4 $200 Question from Trade Christopher Columbus’s decision to sail west was based on this miscalculation

5 $200 Answer from Trade The distance from the Canary Islands to Japan (how big the earth actually is)

6 $300 Question from Trade By 1750, all parts of the world participated in the global trade network except…

7 $300 Answer from Trade Australia

8 $400 Question from Trade Triangular Trade: Africans traded slaves to Europeans in exchange primarily for this.

9 $400 Answer from Trade firearms

10 $500 Question from Trade The rise of maritime trade in Africa led to the replacement of imperial states into these…

11 $500 Answer from Trade Regional Kingdoms

12 $100 Question from Europe This is why Martin Luther created the 95 Theses

13 $100 Answer from Europe The sale of indulgences

14 $200 Question from Europe This is why the Roman Catholic Church sold indulgences in the 16th Century

15 $200 Answer from Europe Raise funds for St. Peter’s basilica in Rome

16 $300 Question from Europe The motivation for Henry the VIII’s reformation away from the Catholic church

17 $300 Answer from Europe He wanted to divorce his wife and the Pope wouldn’t let him.

18 $400 Question from Europe Ignatius Loyola created this group, which sought to extend the boundaries of the reformed Roman church.

19 $400 Answer from Europe Society of Jesus

20 $500 Question from Europe The most important consequence of the Peace of Westphalia

21 $500 Answer from Europe European states regarded one another as sovereign and equal

22 $100 Question from The New World
What does the term “Mestizo” refer to

23 $100 Answer from The New World
European and indigenous parents

24 $200 Question from The New World
The “encomenderos”

25 $200 Answer from The New World
Spanish settlers

26 $300 Question from The New World
Native Population in the Caribbean went from 4 million in 1492 to _______ in the 1540s

27 $300 Answer from The New World
A few thousand

28 $400 Question from The New World
The chief Spanish royal administrators in the Americas

29 $400 Answer from The New World

30 $500 Question from The New World
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?

31 $500 Answer from The New World
Split Central and South America between Spain and Portugal

32 $100 Question from Exploration
The explorer who led 3 scientific explorations the pacific

33 $100 Answer from Exploration
James Cook

34 $200 Question from Exploration
Chinese admiral who toured the Indian Ocean

35 $200 Answer from Africa Zheng He

36 $300 Question from Exploration
List 3 reasons why Europeans explored

37 $300 Answer from Exploration
Resources, new routes to Asian markets, spread Christianity

38 $400 Question from Exploration
The crew of this explorer completed the first circumnavigation of the world

39 $400 Answer from Exploration
Ferdinand Magellan

40 $500 Question from Exploration
From the largest contingent of migrants consisted of this group

41 $500 Answer from Exploration
Enslaved Africans

42 $100 Question from Miscellaneous
What important change came out of the Council of Trent

43 $100 Answer from Miscellaneous
The Catholic Reformation in response to Protestant challenges to church doctrine

44 $200 Question from Miscellaneous
3 reasons why Charles V could not build the Holy Roman Empire into a centralized state

45 $200 Answer from Miscellaneou
Tensions between religions, French resistance, German princes rebellions

46 $300 Question from Miscellaneous
What did Louis the XIV do with the nobles?

47 $300 Answer from Miscellaneous
Had them live at Versailles, but they had no power

48 $400 Question from Miscellaneous
The system by which unfinished materials were delivered to rural households for production

49 $400 Answer from Miscellaneous
Putting-Out system

50 $500 Question from Miscellaneous
The great philosophical proponent of Capitalism

51 $500 Answer from Miscellaneous
Adam Smith

52 Final Jeopardy The Ptolemaic Universe was based on this belief

53 Final Jeopardy Answer A motionless earth surrounded by 9 hollow spheres

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