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ATLANTA STREETCAR MARTA SYSTEM SAFETY OVERSIGHT Presented by Elayne Berry, Assistant General Manager Department of Safety & Quality Assurance April 2018

2 MARTA’s Safety Role for the Atlanta Streetcar
The Atlanta Streetcar (ASC) provides connectivity to MARTA stations in the central business district (Five Points, Peachtree Center, Dome-GWCC-Philips Arena-CNN, and Georgia State), and to other transit services. It also serves tourist attractions in Downtown Atlanta. The Department of Safety & Quality Assurance (DSQA) has played a sufficient role in the development of the safety culture that the Atlanta Streetcar has adopted. DSQA has provided on-going safety guidance active safety management. Below are a few areas: Safety Observations Hazard Assessments Safety Inspections Hazard Mitigation As-built Drawings Revisions Accident/Incident Investigations Document Development Familiarization Training to Safety Personnel GDOT Audits/Assessments Liaison/Committee Member

3 Safety Certification & Security Committee (SCSC)
The Atlanta Streetcar SCSC addresses/decides/resolves all issues regarding safety and security of the Atlanta Streetcar. The committee is chaired by MARTA’s AGM of DSQA and is comprised of: At least seven (7) voting members - Four (4) of the members shall be appointed by MARTA - Three (3) of the members shall be appointed by the City of Atlanta Additionally, the SCSC is responsible for addressing, approving, and resolving all issues related to safety, security and all certification requirements, including but not limited to: Determining the performance measures to be used in reporting and tracking safety and security data Setting the standard for and determining the adequacy of training for all personnel subject to the IGA Determining corrective action measures necessary for safety and security violations Determining that all necessary safety and security certifications have been attained and are maintained

4 GDOT Special Audit Assessment
In 2015, GDOT conducted a Safety and Security Special Assessment of the Atlanta Streetcar System on behalf of the FTA to determine the quality and effectiveness of the implementation of system safety and security, including field inspections of all facilities and systems, which is made up of vehicles, track, OCS, and traction power substations. GDOT issued 66 Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) All 66 CAPs were completed and accepted by GDOT in June 2017 MARTA’s DSQA was instrumental in providing direction and oversight in the closure of CAPs.

5 Safety Performance Metrics: Total Accidents / Incidents
Events P NP Total FY15 3 5 8 FY16 7 6 13 FY17 2 4 FY18 15 30 P = Preventable NP = Non-Preventable Collisions by Location

6 A System Safety Culture
The Office of Safety created a top-tier safety culture revolving around/within ASC System. This was achieved through direct day-to-day oversight and guidance in the following areas: Accident Investigation Provided oversight in all Accidents/Incidents reports Reviewed and identified gaps and challenges for Safety Mgt. System impleme-ntation Training Provided necessary training to the ASC safety staff and mgt. personnel regarding standard safety practices Trained personnel in hazard ID and mitigation Hazard Management Assisted with ID of hazard along the Alignment, Shop Areas, and within the actual Streetcar operation Recomm-ended up-to-date materials on the correct process of hazard analysis and resolution. Correction Action Plan Management Updated and examined all Correc-tive Action Plans Provided technical support to the Atlanta Streetcar in order to create an safe and efficient work environ-ment



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