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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): one more/one less Week of: 12/3-12/7 Objectives: Students will identify (from any given number between 1-20) one more or one less TEKS:2(F) generate a number that is one more than or one less than another number up to at least 20 Essential Question: How does counting help us in our every day lives? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Students will complete a chart in their journals showing one more or one less. Partners will take turns picking a number while the other partner decides what one more/less is. When the teacher calls out a number, the students will write the numbers that are one more and one less. Partners will play grab it game. Students will complete one more and one less book in journals. Partners will play one more one less game board game. Students will go stand on numbers on number line that is on the floor to show one more one less. Partners will play one more one less dice game. Students will play a class relay game on the board to show one more one less. Vocabulary One more One less Larger Smaller Number line Higher order questions What do you remember about a number line? How would you demonstrate what one more and one less of 5 would be? How is finding one more similar to addition? How is finding one less similar to substation? What is the problem with this statement? 3 is one less than 4 and 6 is one more than 4. What is you favorite strategy to determine one more and one less? Why? Assessment Strategy Students will participate in a one more and one less activity with their partners.

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