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Created by OSCAR team October 2011

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1 Created by OSCAR team October 2011
ID template 4.7.1 Created by OSCAR team October 2011

2 Welcome 1 This is a document to explains the chosen concept to the animator. This will take you through a 5 section process to provide the necessary details to the animator before starting the animation. The legend on the left will indicate the current status of the document. The big Black coloured number will denote the current section, the Grey color would denote the completed sections, and the Turquoise color would denote the remaining sections. The slides having yellow background (like this one) are the 'Instruction slides' 2 3 4 5

3 Formation of split coal seam
‏The splitting of strata is important for coal seam formation. The coal seam moves laterally and divides into smaller seams intercalated with sandstones and clays. The rapidly sunk splitted part compacts and results coal seam. Related LOs: Prior Viewing: Graduation level of structural geology Future Viewing: Course Name: Depositional textures and structures Level(UG/PG): PG Author(s): Arpita Roy Mentor(s): Prof. Soumyajit Mukherjee *The contents in this file are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 India license

4 Learning objectives 1 After interacting with this Learning Object, the learner will be able to: Describe about coal seam Describe about its (coal seam) formation. 2 3 4 5

5 1 Master layout or diagram 2 3 4 5
Make a schematic diagram of the concept Explain the animator about the beginning and ending of the process. Draw image big enough for explaining. In the image, identify and label different components of the process/phenomenon. (These are like characters in a film)‏ Illustrate the basic flow of action by using arrows. Use BOLD lines in the diagram (minimum 2pts.)‏ In the slide after that, provide the definitions of ALL the labels used in the diagram You may have multiple master layouts. In this case, number the master layout. (e.g. Master layout 1, 2, 3…)‏ 2 3 4 5

6 Master Layout 1 The splitting of strata is important in coal seam formation. Consider a thick strata and its unstable right part will rapidly shink and split into a few of lines intercalated with river deposits. As the whole situation has gone towards depth, due to overburden pressure it would transform into coal seam. P1 and P2 are the peat deposits, which transformed into C-1 and C-2, which are coal deposits. 2 Splitting swamp Peat deposition Compaction River deposit of sand through peat- bog 3 P-2 P-1 4 Compaction C-2 C-1 Compaction of peat to form coal seam River deposit of sand 5

7 Definitions and Keywords
1 Swamp: Swamp is a forested wet region. Mainly, a swampy region is covered by the aquatic vegetation. Peat: Peat generally are accumulation of decayed vegetations. Peat usually forms due to absence / or very less amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere so that the decomposition rate remains very low. Compaction: Compaction implies stress related to overburden pressure. 2 3 4 5

8 3 Stepwise description of process 1 2 4 5
The goal of the document is to provide instructions to an animator who is not a expert. You have to describe what steps the animator should take to make your concept come alive as a moving visualization. Use one slide per step. This will ensure clarity of the explanation. Add a image of the step in the box, and the details in the table below the box. You can use any images for reference, but mention about it's copyright status The animator will have to re-draw / re-create the drawings Add more slides as per the requirement of the animation 2 3 4 5

9 3 1 2 4 5 Step 1: First step: Thick layer of peat
Peat Deposition 2 Splitting up Thick strata or layer 3 Fig. 1 Floor of swamp sinking down Description of the action Audio Narration Text to be displayed 1) One side of the sequence should be thick and the other side should be spilited up at an angle to the main thick strata (layer). 2) Time duration would be 1 sec. 4 5

10 Step 2: 1 The river deposit got trapped within the peat deposit 2 Compaction Peat bog River deposit of sand 3 Fig. 2 Interlocked river deposit of sands within peat bog Description of the action Audio Narration Text to be displayed 1) Next, the river deposit has been captured through the coal seam. Due to compaction, it gets flattened. 2) Time duration would be sec. 4 5

11 3 1 2 4 5 Step 3: Deposition of new peat layer
River deposits of sand P1 denotes the older strata of peat bog Fig. 3 Deposition of new peat deposit 3 P2 denotes the later strata of peat bog Description of the action Audio Narration Text to be displayed 1) New deposition of peat layer will occur. 2) Time duration will be 2 sec. Fig:3 Deposition of new peat deposit 4 5

12 3 1 2 4 5 Step 4: Transformation of peat to form coal seams C-1
Compaction C-1 C-2 2 C-1 River deposits of sand 3 C1= transformation of p1 to coal seam-1 Fig. 4 Transformation of peat bog to coal seam C2= transformation of p2 to coal seam-2 Description of the action Audio Narration Text to be displayed 1) Due to compaction P1 and P-2 layer would be transformed into C-1 and C-2 2) Time duration would be 2 sec. 4 5

13 1 Animation design Please see the design template provided in the next slide. This is a sample template, and you are free to change as per your design requirements. Try and rename the tabs / buttons / sections / subsections as shown in the template. Use ‘callouts’ as shown above to explain the source of content. Ex: If the call out is placed at the Tab 01, and you want the content to be taken from slide 3 of this presentation, then place this callout on the Tab 01, and write ‘Slide 3’ inside the callout. 2 3 Slide 3 4 5

14 Coal seam formation Slide 3 Interactivity area Introduction Tab 02
Button 01 Button 02 Fig. 1 Interlocked driver deposit Fig. 2 Main peat deposit Spilted up Button 03 Redeposition of new peat layer Old peat layer Fig. 3 Transformation of coal seams due to compaction Fig. 4 Time duration for each Figure: For Fig sec, For Figs. 2, 3, 4 the duration will be 2 sec not more than that. Credits

15 Self- Assessment Questionnaire for Learners
APPENDIX 1 Self- Assessment Questionnaire for Learners Please provide a set of questions that a user can answer based on the LO. They can be of the following types: These questions should be 5 in number and can be of objective type (like MCQ, Match the columns, Yes or No, Sequencing, Odd One Out). The questions can also be open-ended. The user would be asked to think about the question. The author is requested to provide hints if possible, but a full answer is not necessary. One can include questions, for which the user will need to interact with the LO (with certain parameters) in order to answer it. It is better to avoid questions based purely on recall.

16 Choose the correct answer:
APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire: Choose the correct answer: 1) Why the main peat deposit spills up? (a) Due to the presence of overloading pressure (b) To make a stable region (c) Due to rapid sinking (d) None of these 2) What is the significance of presence of river deposits in coal seams? (a) Wasted material would be discharged into the river deposits (b) Two different layers of coal seams would be separated due to the presence of the river deposits (c) There is no significant cause of the presence of coal seams

17 Questionnaire: 3) How does coal seam form? (a) Autochthonous process
(b) Allochthonous process (c) Both autochthonous and allochthonous processes (d) Not related to any of these Coal seam formation by autochthonous process: ‘Autochthonous’ means vegetal matter deposition. Coal seam starts forming from the deposition of vegetal matter by this process. Coal seam formation by allochthonous process: ‘Allochthonous’ means deposition of argillaceous materials.

18 Questionnaire: 4) Which environment suits for coal seam formation?
(a) Arid region (b) Humid region (c) Humid and swampy region (d) None of these

19 Links for further reading
APPENDIX 2 Links for further reading In the next slide, provide some reference reading material for the users. It could be books, reference publications, or website URLs.

20 Links for further reading
APPENDIX 2 Links for further reading 1) Hills, E.S., Structural geology. Chapman and Hall, London. Depositional Textures and structures. pp 2) Sen, S., A new model of coal seam formation vis -a-vis banded structure and distribution of minerals in coal seams. Allied publishers Ltd., New Delhi, India. pp Link:

21 APPENDIX 3 Summary Please provide points to remember to understand the concept/ key terms of the animation, in the next slide. The summary will help the user in the quick review of the concept.

22 APPENDIX 3 Summary The splitting of strata or formation is important in coal seam formation. The formation of splitted coal seam consists of the following steps: 1) Firstly, a thick strata interlocked with sandstone and clays. Due to rapid sinking, the left part of the layer remain thick but the right part divides into smaller part. 2) As it has gone towards depth, overburden pressure acts on it and the river deposit of sand totally become interlocked within the peat deposit. 3) Again due to compaction it goes towards depth and upper portion has been covered by a new deposition of peat. 4) The final step contains with the transformation of the peat layer into coal seam i.e. P1 C1 and P2 C2

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