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Overview: 2008/2009 Annual report

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1 Overview: 2008/2009 Annual report
Presentation by Ms N Ngele the Acting Director- General Department: Water Affairs (DWA)

2 Key highlights Key challenges Available options
Presentation Outline Key highlights Key challenges Available options 2

3 Key highlights: year under review
Programme Key highlights Water resources management Construction of new infrastructure to increase capacity for water security 3 major water resources infrastructure commissioned 29 dams rehabilitated and refurbished Cabinet approval of Water for Growth and Development Framework Water services Strengthening of enforcement Regional support to local government in drinking water quality Blue and green drop certification programmes initiated Major water resources infrastructure commissioned is as follows: Inyaka waste water works Vaal River Eastern Sub-system Project (VRESAP) Berg River Water Dam Safety and Rehabilitation Programme (DSRP) was initiated in Inspection based on the Dam Safety regulations indicated the need to rehabilitate the infrastructure. To date: 29 dams completed 20 dams under construction In addition to water services - Increase in the provision of basic services 1.01 million people with access to water supply infrastructure 1.35 million people with access to basic sanitation services buckets eradicated 1.6% increase in the provision of free basic water 3

4 Key highlights: year under review
Programme Key highlights Forestry Forestry Sector BBBEE Charter was finalised and signed The million trees programme planted million trees (fruit and ornamental indigenous) nationally Administration Register for both movable and immovable assets Debtors book cleaned Launch of women’s organisation Transformation journey Graduate training programme Forestry Charter was signed in May 2008 by the Minister and industry 4

5 Key challenges Inadequate investment and funding
Water resources infrastructure Water Conservation & Water Demand Management Deterioration of transferred infrastructure to municipalities Funding for refurbishment of category B and C plantations Funding for forest enterprise development 5

6 Key challenges Regulation Compliance and enforcement Monitoring
Curbing unlawful water use Enforcing raw and drinking water quality standards Monitoring Compliance to standards Internal capacity to monitor Reducing forest fires 6

7 Key challenges Support to local government
Balancing the support to municipalities whilst executing the regulatory obligations Delays in finalising transfers of infrastructure to municipalities Skills shortage – cross cutting (technical) 7

8 Key challenges Transformation of the sector
Implementation water allocation reform Land reform and post settlement support to communities (including the uncertainty on long-term ownership of forest lands) Financial viability of water management institutions Alignment of systems and processes 8

9 Available options Implementing the Water for Growth and Development Framework Review current funding model Participate in the current discussions held by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) on amending legislation Learning academy Occupation Specific Dispensation Programme (OSDP) 9

10 Available options Continue and accelerate institutional realignment project Alignment of water, land reform and rural development programmes Invest in Systems capacity building for management leadership and talent management Alignment of business planning processes with performance management Response plan to issues raised by the Auditor-General 10

11 Thank you 11

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