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GLA response to Philanthropy Review

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1 GLA response to Philanthropy Review
Alice Wilcock, Assistant Director - Team London & Sports Aimee Presly, Senior Manager, Business – Team London John Griffiths, MD - Rocket Science 9 October 2018

2 Agenda Time Topic Facilitation 1000 - 1010
Introduction and background to research and today’s session Alice Wilcock & Aimee Presly, Team London Presentation of the research and recommendations John Griffiths, Rocket Science Q&A and thoughts on research & recommendations: What does Philanthropy mean to you/how do you use it/where does it sit in your organisation?  All Group session: Recommendations in action What activity/programmes already exist in London that the GLA should be aware of? What are your asks to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Mayor of London, and how do we better enable philanthropy? Who is already in this space and how can we best support? Closedown and next steps

3 Introductions Alice Wilcock, Assistant Director - Team London & Sports. Aimee Presly, Senior Manager, Business - Team London. John Griffiths, MD - Rocket Science.

4 CiVIC PhilANthropy Call to Arms (2016) Victorian levels of inequality
Underpinning research and evidence base Renewed interest and pride in place The resurgence of civic/municipal government London’s place and responsibility as a leader The particular role of the Mayor and the GLA Brexit?

5 What Role For tHE Mayor?

6 Recommendations

7 Philanthropy across the GLA
Current GLA philanthropic activity Team London (Volunteering & social action, brokerage, Employer Supported Volunteering, corporate philanthropy & third sector support.) Community & Social Policy Unit (Civil society, data, Citizenship & Integration Initiative, community engagement.) Commercial Partnerships (GLA and Mayoral commercial partnerships, sponsorship & campaigns.) Regeneration & London Enterprise Action Partnership (LEAP) (Good Growth Fund, Civic Innovation Challenge & Crowd Fund.) Economic Development (Good Work Standard, Economic Development Strategy. ) Education & Youth (Young Londoners Fund.) Mayor’s Fund for London & London Music Fund

8 Q&A What does Philanthropy mean to you & how do you define it?
How do you “use” it and what types of philanthropic activity does your organisation interact with? Where does philanthropy sit within your organisation? Philanthropy is defined as “private initiatives for public good” encompassing the giving of “Time, Talent and Treasure.” (Rocket Science, 2018)

9 Review recommendations
Establish a strategic lead and single point of contact within City Hall for harnessing and signposting offers of philanthropic support, using the narrative of London’s “good growth” Reaffirm the Mayor’s role as the Patron of the Mayor’s Fund for London but at a time of transition for the Fund, help define a new strategic partnership between the Fund and the GLA Redefine Team London to be the social action arm of the GLA Lead by example – develop and report annually on Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) across the GLA group Convene London Chief Executives’ network to restate the case for ESV as part of Good Growth and the Good Work Standard Enable civil society partners to understand and make better use of the resources of London Datastore Audit opportunities to connect GLA’s place-based programmes with local giving schemes Develop capacity building support (e.g business backed programme for local philanthropy leaders) Commit to publishing grant awards on 360Giving within the GLA, and encourage others to follow suit Use enhanced data and greater transparency to determine priorities for engagement with civic philanthropy Consider the Vital Signs or similar model to animate data on a place basis to support local giving schemes and enhance the reporting on their additionality and impact

10 Recommendations in action
Establish a strategic lead and single point of contact within City Hall for harnessing and signposting offers of philanthropic support, using the narrative of London’s “good growth” Redefine Team London to be the social action arm of the GLA Enable civil society partners to understand and make better use of the resources of London Datastore Use enhanced data and greater transparency to determine priorities for engagement with civic philanthropy Consider the Vital Signs or similar model to animate data on a place basis to support local giving schemes and enhance the reporting on their additionality and impact What does each recommendation mean to you as a funder? What existing programmes/stakeholders/ projects/should the GLA be aware of? What support would you like to see from the GLA and/or Mayor of London? What challenges/barriers do you face when engaging with the GLA?

11 Next steps & timelines Oct 2018: High level response to recommendations Oct-Dec 2018: Internal and external scoping & consultation Jan 2019: Develop implementation plan Feb 2019: Sign off and activation How can you get involved? Share research with relevant stakeholders Manager - Business (Team London) Invite Aimee/Alice to relevant meetings or advisory groups

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