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Sixth Grade Earth Science Syllabus

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1 Sixth Grade Earth Science Syllabus 2018-19
Mrs. Schiff Class Materials Questions? For this course, you will need the following resources: INB (every day!!!) Agenda (every day!!!) Pen & Pencils (every day!!!) Textbook Glue/tape Highlighters Willingness to learn  Room 628 – Team Noland Class Website: Voic *********************************** Remind Me! ***** **************************** What? Remind App Why? Alerts about tests, quizzes, special events, lab supplies How? 1. Download REMIND App** 2. Text 81010 p.s. students are also allowed to join **You can receive texts without downloading the app Text this message to 81010: 3rd 4th 5th 6th How Will I Be Graded? Final Exam: Cumulative - Covers the whole semester Summative: Tests and projects Grading Scale: A B C D F <69 Make-up Policy: You may make up any missed assignments during your excused absence. Please see your class “What Did I Miss?” calendar & class period folder in the front of the room. ***Late work is -10 points/day, max 3 days for credit Infinite Campus: Check the Infinite Campus Portal regularly to see your grades online. Formative Assignments: This includes classwork, homework, warm-ups, exit tickets, discussions, and more

2 Mrs. Schiff How do we act in 628? What should I expect? MERITS!
Sixth Grade Earth Science Syllabus – Mrs. Schiff How do we act in 628? What should I expect? You will be held to high expectations both academically and behaviorally. The word cloud to the left describes the way Team Noland scientists conduct themselves. When everyone does the right thing, we get to do the most exciting learning activities! The specific rules and consequences are on the Behavior Expectations/signature page in this syllabus. MERITS! Cheat: Verb: to deceive (not your own work) Committing the act of cheating (giving or receiving answers) will not be tolerated and will result in a PERMANENT ZERO. Team Noland uses merits as a reward system. Merits will be handed out by teachers and may be traded in for candy and other treats on Merit Day. Teachers may take merits as a consequence for students not managing themselves, as well. *Merits must have the teacher’s initials and the student’s name to be valid. How am I learning? Textbook Earth Science. Holt, Rinehart, Winston; Publisher. ($67.75) *The student is responsible for paying for lost, damaged, or stolen books. In the event of a found book the money will be reimbursed if receipt is present. We expect to have the book available on-line and will issue it as soon as possible. Extra Help? Morning Tutorial Tuesday & Thursday Mornings 8:15-8:35 am What am I learning? Scientific Processes Meteorology Geology Oceanography Astronomy You will read texts and apply your knowledge to the world around you through laboratory experiments, reading and writing activities, short-term projects, and long-term projects. We will also have the awesome opportunity to do long-term math-science interactive STEM projects this year. Why visit the Website? Please be sure to check in on our class website from time to time. The Interactive Notebook (INB) Table of Contents (TOC) is kept updated on the site. Homework, lesson plans, lab supplies, and other updates are found here. Be aware: I reserve the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction needed to meet the needs of students to facilitate academic success.

3 Team Noland’s Behavioral Expectations and Consequences
Rules Be seated in class before the bell rings. Bring all materials to class. Have pens, paper, textbook, homework, etc., ready to begin the lesson before the class begins. Follow directions the first time they are given. Be respectful to others at all times, in words and actions. Stay seated and focused in class. Electronic devices are put away in lockers unless instructed to use in class. Positive Consequences Consequences for Misbehavior Warning / Discussion Parent / Guardian Communication (Phone call / ) with Low-Level Consequence (silent lunch, in-class, or in-team seclusion) Parent / Guardian Communication (Phone call / ) with Low-Level Consequence (“Think Paper,” Copy discipline essay, etc.) Parent / Guardian Conference with Signed Behavior Contract and cross-team Seclusion Parent / Guardian Communication and Cross-Team Seclusion Referral to Grade Level Administrator Severe Clause: Serious offenses may result in immediate referrals and suspensions. By signing below I am indicating I understand the Earth Science syllabus. I will return this signature page by Friday, August 10, 2018, for a Formative grade to start the semester off right! ____________________________________ ________________________________________ PRINTED Student Name Parent Signature ____________________________________ _______________________________________ Daytime Phone Number address  ____________________________________ __________________________ Student Signature Date I’m looking forward to having a great year together!  Mrs. Schiff Verbal recognition Small treats Positive Communication to parent Team Merits to trade in for treats Reward for class excellent behavior Special Activities

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